Magic Spanking Factory: Jonathon’s Speeding Ticket!

Magic Spanking Factory: Jonathon’s Speeding Ticket

Unfortunately this is is true story.

A few weeks ago Jonathon asked if he could borrow Stephen’s car. Being a nice guy Stephen said yes but warned him not to drive like a madman. The car was duly returned and he had even put in a few euros of fuel which Stephen thought to be very considerate of him.

A couple of days later the truth came out when I Stephen received a letter from the police telling me that I had been caught speeding. Stephen knew immediately there had to have been a mistake, so turning the letter over he was not very surprised to see a crystal clear image of Jonathon behind the wheel. Not only that, he was acting as if he was Mr Cool. Arm hanging out the car, sunglasses on and his baseball cap facing backwards and of course, speeding. After the tolerance deduction he was clocked doing 75 kph in a 50 kph zone. Stephen accepted the fine with smiled. Obviously this would have to be dealt with and he knew exactly how he was going to deal with it.


At first Jonathon tried to talk his way out of it but quickly realized Stephen was not in the mood for his excuses.

Stephen told him to turn around and bend over the workman’s trestle that he had been leaning on.


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Stephen then started to lash his backside with a braided strap. Stroke after stroke lands on his tight shorts and it doesn’t take long for the heat on his buttocks to build up.


When he drops his shorts his white ribbed underpants make a great target for more cruel strokes with the strap.


His groaning gets louder as his discomfort increases but Stephen am not finished yet. With his underpants dropped his smooth perfect buttocks positively scream to be punished. And punished they are…….







Enjoy the video preview!

Mouse Spank Jonathon’s Naughty bottom or clink the Links below to visit the Magic Spanking Factory studio at Clips4Sale

Jonathon’s videosare available from

Magic Spanking Factory at Clips4Sale

Title 2257

3 Responses to Magic Spanking Factory: Jonathon’s Speeding Ticket!

  1. It’s just great to have young Jonathan back again and getting that phenomenally spankable bottom smacked good and hard!

    Just one plea – after three new videos of Jonathan being spanked over white briefs, please would there be any possibility of him wearing a pair of coloured underpants for the next video? From past clips, we know he does wear coloured briefs and he looks so smackable in them! Just a thought…

  2. Dear Dr. van Spanking, your wish is my command!

    I like him in the tight coloured ones too.

  3. Haha! Thank you, Stephen! I didn’t think I’d be alone, although Jonathan does look great in white briefs as well!