CP4Men: Ashley’s Cadet Spanking!

CP4Men: Ashley’s Cadet Spanking!

Ashley gets 300 spanks!

Ashley doesn’t seem to understand the term “self-discipline”. He has been told several times to get his haircut, but still ignores orders. He has been sent to the punishment officer, and he knows what that means! Ashley receives 300 hundred spanks in total on his shorts then underwear then bare. Did this teach him a lesson-no, it didn’t! He is back in front of the punishment officer, but this time it’s a choice-the paddle or no leave. He chooses the paddle and gets 10 wacks on shorts then underwear then bare. Perhaps that will prompt him to get his haircut!


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Title 2257

One Response to CP4Men: Ashley’s Cadet Spanking!

  1. Good model!