Coming this way from Sting ……

A selection of scenes from forthcoming Sting releases. including “Approved Education Part 3” staring 18 year old Jimmy Evans seen in the picture above


 Jimmy looks back nervously as he schoolmates get their bottoms toasted!

You just know those catapults (slingshots) will get Jason and Damien into bottom warming trouble

 As Jason appears to be discovering here!

 Some scenes from the special edition of “The Brother” which Sting plan to release on DVD
Young Jimmy is in trouble with one of the brothers
 While Kyle gets it from another Brother
 A taste of the strap!!

 Something to take his mind off his sore bottom!
 Darren in the new Sting DVD “Banged up – Borstal Days 2” which is due to be released this month

Also staring Matt Mills

Details of when the above movies are to be released will be announced at JockSpank

 There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declatation in the right hand column of this blog

5 Responses to Coming this way from Sting ……

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Jimmy is cute but young Darren is still the hottest twinkie blonde i have ever seen. has jockspank ever done a poll of the hottest sting lad? or at least the top ten?

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    always there with the best! Sting are the best!

  3. Avatar Jimmy Evans
    Jimmy Evans says:

    Hey Jimmy a.k.a Skylar Blu here, if you like what you see make sure you have a look at my fanpage!

  4. Hi Skylar / Jimmy, I really loved your pictures and am looking forward to seeing you in Sting Movies.

    Why don’t you join the Sting Lads fan group and introduce yourself there.

    Here is the link

  5. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    thank god for sting videos being done! what a bunch of hotties!!! better than anyone else for me love Damien drake what a stud 🙂 thanks jock spank for these