Red Card Red Bottom – “Bailey”


Football player Bailey has been sent off (yet again) for being arrogant on the pitch and abusing the ref.

The scene starts with Bailey heading towards the changing room

where he strips out of his football kit …
and enjoys a nice hot shower…

Just as he is towelling off and about to get dressed to head home a furious Coach Barton storms in!

Bailey is told he has 5 mins to get dressed and get to Coach Barton’s office.
He enters nervously knowing he is in big trouble….
The coach tears into Bailey and tells him that he has had enough of his behaviour and that Bailey’s time on the team is over!
Bailey is devastated to hear this and pleads for a final chance …
Coach Barton explains that if he was Baileys father he would be giving him a damn good hiding!

Bailey decides that is a better option than losing his place on the team. 
So this moody young man finds himself over his coaches knee, getting spanked on his shorts,…
How humiliating for the arrogant young player!

they do not stay on for long though and soon enough he has to take them down and the punishment continues on his tight, white underwear.
Coach Barton really dishes it out and Bailey is wriggling around and clearly struggling to take the blows.
Those shorts are coming down …..

Inevitably, the underwear gets pulled down and it’s Bailey’s athletic bare bottom that gets spanked. 
Which stings the most, Bailey’s bottom?….
Or his ego?
It seems that Bailey can hardly take any more and Coach Barton finally relents and makes this sorry lad stand facing the wall with his shorts pulled down and his bright red bottom exposed.

After a few moments like this Coach Barton decides that Bailey needs a final lesson and he is made to bend over the chair ….
and receive some hard swats from the coaches wooden paddle! 


This really gets the message home especially when Bailey feels the paddle hitting his already sore bare bottom!

Bailey leaves humiliated, broken and determined to improve his attitude!

Video trailer

Some Feedback Brett has received about this video:

“I LOVE the adorable red cheeks, and the undies as well! ” 
“I love the Bailey “Red Card” clip and can’t wait for more like that. No other studio has any models who are as handsome, masculine, and muscular as Liam Bailey and Andy. And seeing them getting OTK Spankings is just off the charts exciting”””
“””I watched this earlier, it is excellent, Bailey is a really hunky guy and Dr. Barton is at his caustic best! He gives poor Bailey a really hard time”””
“”””Bailey – A star is born!”””

Spank Bailey’s Red bottom to visit

11 Responses to Red Card Red Bottom – “Bailey”

  1. Bailey has the most magnificent butt.

    He also has an arrogant and very “manly” manner, which makes it especially satisfying to see him getting put down and spanked.

    LOVE IT!

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:


  3. This is fantastic. Everything–his voice, his movement, his broad shoulders, masculine attitude, even his hairstyle–if I’d run into this guy at work or someplace I’d be fantasizing nonstop about spanking him.

    I love his reactions to the sharp but moderate spanking; that trim little bottom seems to be quite sensitive.

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    the “yes sirs” in the bathroom are so hot.

  5. Hey, thanks so much for all the positive feedback and comments. I was lucky enough to be behind the camera for this shoot and I felt something special was being filmed!

    Bailey really does look superb and it’s awesome to see a hunky guy like that getting spanked.

    Now what shall we do with him on the next shoot?????

  6. @Mr. X: For Bailey’s next shoot? I’d like to see him encounter the paddle again, or a small paddle or hairbrush over the knee, intimate. With a nice consoling hug afterward.

    I’d like to watch Bailey the embarrassed messenger late with a package meekly undress for a spanking in front of several well-dressed men (business suits) in a completely inappropriate place to be naked, like a classy office or a large meeting room.

    Really I’d like pretty much anything you want to do with him…

  7. Mr. X: Bailey is extraordinary. I don’t know who found him nor how he was convinced to participate in these videos but the result is a spanker’s dream come true. Each time Bailey is about to drape himself across a spanker’s knee a look comes over his face that seems to say “I can’t believe I’m doing this; I can’t believe this is happening.” Honestly, neither can I. It’s nothing short of a miracle. I hope he understands that his pain is giving others a tremendous amount of pleasure…and what is more noble than that?

    A few ideas: Are copyright laws enforce in porn? If not, there was a spanking film made a few years back–can’t remember the name–featuring two hunky carpenters. One is the supervisor and he discovers the other is doing sub-par work and an OTK spanking follows. Later, it comes to light that the super is forging receipts (or some other pretext) and the younger guys gets to turn the tables on the super and give him an OTK spanking over a saw horse. Bailey and Andy could star in a remake.

    In the same vein, Bailey receiving a spanking from an older (40s-50s), tough, working class builder for slacking off on the job would be rewarding to watch.

    Bullying is in the news here. What if Baily were forcing one of the smaller members of the Brett Steven’s Studio–my favorite David, for instance–to take humiliating spankings, and David, perhaps in league with some of his friends like Brett, finds a way to take spanking revenge on Bailey?

    And do bring Andy back. Bailey is handsome and hot but Andy is also sexy and absolutely adorable. He and Liam would make a good older/younger brother team and could put some life back into the cliched older brother spanks younger brother scenario. Of course Dad would discover the spanking in progress and give Andy a taste of his own medicine. I wouldn’t mind seeing Liam get a shot at Andy’s ample bottom too.

    I might also self-servingly suggest a scenario where an American visiting London is given a fantasy-fulfilling opportunity to tan Bailey’s breathtaking bottom. It would be titled “Spank the Mole (Kiss the Mole)”…which is exactly what I dream of doing!

  8. Hey Anonymous!

    Thanks for the feedback! I’m so pleased you like Bailey! You have given me some food for thought with your suggestions!


    Oh and “kiss the mole” made me smile!

  9. Thanks Turquine for the suggestions. Bailey being humiliated in front of others is a popular suggestion, so we are gonna look at incorporating that into a shoot at some point!

    Mr X

  10. Holy Bejesus. yes please. All sorts of yes please. I am actually starting to get on board with this whole humiliate Bailey thing. Especially in this one, he just seems like an arrogant boy who needs a good lesson! (Maybe I’ve known one or two arrogant soccer players in my time who after getting red carded I couldn’t help but think would have benefited from a good spanking!).
    Plus, he’s just soooo pretty 🙂