- Category Archives wheelbarrow spanking
SpankChicosmalos: New Year’s Punishment
SpankChicosmalos: New Year’s Punishment
HAPPY NEW YEAR, although not so much for Fernando’s butt. He has started the year breaking the promise to be more polite, his ass will receive a punishment in otk and wheelbarrow position. 12 minutes in HD quality
FELIZ AÑO NUEVO, aunque no tanto para el culo de Fernando. Ha comenzado el año rompiendo la promesa de ser más educado, su trasero recibirá un castigo en posición otk y carretilla. 12 minutos en calidad HD新年快乐, 但费尔南多的屁股可没有这个感觉. 因为没有遵守变得更礼貌的承诺, 他受到了膝上及车轮式姿势的惩
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BBFC: Sergio Wheelbarrow
Sergio is a cheeky little guy and manages to always have that smile on his face that says some sort of mischief is never far from his thoughts. So Dimitri has decided to up the stakes a little and has something special planned for him.
*Sergio has no idea what to expect from this spanking, other than a sore ass, and when he is told to go into the wheelbarrow position he does look quite shocked.
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BBFC: Matthew Wheelbarrow
Teodor is not noted for his patience and Matthew has tried that too far. So Having decided to teach the lad a good lesson and heighten the experience he tells Matthew to get into the wheelbarrow position.
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SpankChicosmalos: Matteo’s Summer Spanking (Part 2)
SpankChicosmalos: Matteo’s Summer Spanking (Part 2)
“Mateo rebels against the punishment he’s receiving for lying while going to the beach. He is put into a wheelbarrow position to continue his punishment until he learns and is dominatedMateo se revela contra el castigo que está recibiendo por mentir mientras se iba a la playa. Es puesto en posición carretilla para seguir su castigo hasta que aprende y es dominado
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Spanking Straight Boys: Russell’s Wheelbarrow Spanking
Spanking Straight Boys: Russell’s Wheelbarrow Spanking
Russell is back and it’s time for an attitude adjustment. He’s very fond of running his mouth and being a smart aleck. Like Jason and Palmer, Russell is in the category of young men who are used to getting by on their boyish charm and cute looks. Owen and Jeremy also fit that description, but they are more deferential and humble (though their humility is likely more practiced than actual). Unlike all of them, Russell has a very intentional defiant streak. As young and cute as he is, Russell is no pushover.
Tom decided to spank Russell in the wheelbarrow position today. It is a stressful position in which a young man has to deal with holding himself up while he is being spanked.
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BBFC: Taavi Wheelbarrow
Taavi finds himself in his usual position OTK and getting a spanking, he just cannot behave himself. No stranger to a spanking Taavi takes what’s coming.
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Spanking Straight Boys: Josh’s Wheelbarrow Spanking
Spanking Straight Boys: Josh’s Wheelbarrow Spanking
This video picks up where Josh’s pajama spanking left off. Josh had a long drive to get to this video shoot, and he wanted to shoot more than one video while he was here. Tom was happy to accommodate and decided it was time to spank Josh in a new position: a wheelbarrow spanking.
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