SpankChicosmalos: Gold Spanko
Become a GOLD SPANKO. Would you like to collaborate with SpankChicosmalos content and have special advantages?
1- You will be the first one to get discounts on the videos (either on our onlyfans page or with a direct payment through PayPal).
2- You will be invited to video shootings, so you can meet personally the bad boys and the usual spanker
3- Your suggestions and customisations will be taken into account and given priority in future videos (as long as it is possible)
4- On August 8th (Spanking Day) you will participate automatically in a raffle. If you win you will get ALL NEW VIDEOS COMPLETELY FREE for 1 year
HOW to become a GOLD SPANKO?
-You must have bought content for a minimum of 70 USD$ during the last year.
Purchases made at SpaningkLibrary.com and FetishLibrary.com count as well, but you must send an e-mail to spankchicosmalos@gmail.com with receipts or screenshots which certify the purchase.
If you have not bought enough content, you still can make donations at onlyfans or PayPal to reach at least 70 USD$.
If you fulfill the requirements send an e-mail to spankchicosmalos@gmail.com and you will get a response with your GOLD SPANKO number.
The Gold Spanko option is available via CpankChicosmalos, and is not offered in association with Jock-spank.com
SpankChicosmalos OnlyFans
Spankchicosmalos All links
All models 18+ proof of age on file
Click on the Continue Reading tab below to see details of the Gold Spanko Offer in Spanish and Chinese
Haga clic en la pestaña Continue Reading a continuación para ver los detalles de la oferta Gold Spanko en español y chino
單擊下面的 Continue Reading 選項卡以查看西班牙文和中文版的 Gold Spanko 優惠詳情
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