• Category Archives Mike Cross (Sting)
  • Sting – Oh Brother- The Movie



    Oh Brother – The Movie. This Sting mega movie follows the trials and tribulations of two lads sentenced to re training at an industrial school.

    Brendan McCarthy (Damien Drake) and Jimmy McGuire (Pavel Novy) are sent to Innesfial institution which is run by a sect of strict religious Brothers. In their time there they encounter other boys sent inside for various criminal offences but all of whom now face the severe discipline dished out by the staff.

    One such lad is Leroy Malone (Jay faith) who never seems to turn up to morning assembly on time. This has not gone unnoticed by Brother Matthias who takes a strap to the hapless boy’s bare backside.

     Sean Riley (Darren) another inmate steals some of the sacrificial wine and ends up being chastised in time honoured fashion by Bother Lonigan (Dexter) a spanking then a dose of the heavy black leather strap lashing down across the boys raised bare bottom as he lays face down on a bunk. Even then it’s not over as Brother Lonigan has other wishes he needs fulfilled.

    Brother Lonigan also pays for his sins
    Later however he too will face severe monastic discipline for breaking his vows. Brother Jacob (Mike Cross) is a stickler for keeping order but also finds himself on the wrong end of the Principle Brothers strap for not adhering to the compulsory pious way of living.


    Casey MacDermott (Aaron Alton) is in trouble with Brother James (Luke Radley) for drinking alcohol and soon finds himself over the youthful Brothers knee getting his smooth white little butt spanked red raw. But as with Brother Lonigan a spanking is often not enough!


    At1 hour and 17 minutes long, the action in Oh brother is really too vast to list here but the rattan cane, strap, bath brush and spanking are just part of the butt blistering storyline not to mention the strict approach of the Brother towards their charges. Other members of the cast include, Brandon Junior, new Sting lad Daniel Friesh, Marco, Jimmy Evans, Jamie Carmichael and the brothers themselves.



    Brother Jacob (Mike Cross)  also gets a well overdue comeuppance

    In true Sting Pictures style the attention to setting, detail and costumes are superb.

    A Richard O’Shea film

  • Smoking Stings!!

    Smoking Stings is a new download from Sting staring Mike Cross and Darren
    Smoking kills so the official line goes but one wayward sports student (Darren) is about to discover that smoking also stings
    The athletic trainees are strictly forbidden to smoke and when the coach (Mike Cross) catches one of then defying his order he intends to set an example. Sent straight to the Gym, still in his jock strap, the coach wastes no time in laying on a good over the knee bare bottom spanking.

    This is just a warm up, his tennis trained arm flails down slapping the young lads rounded and raised bare backside bright red. The coach now reaches for his whippy rattan cane ordering the lad to bend over the bench. This is not his favoured instrument but the twip and crack as it lands on the already spanked lad’s bare backside has a noticeable effect. 

    The stripes burn and build to create a perfect landing area for his favourite instrument of punishment the Empire Rubber gumshoe. Nick named ‘white lightning’ the coach firmly lays on a good hiding; the lads bottom now a perfect picture of disciplined youth.

    After this session what’s written in to our sports boys’ memory? It must surely be that Smoking Stings!

    Mouse Spank Darren’s bottom to go to the sting site

    or click below 

  • Sting: Caught in the Act

    In this short clip new Sting model Jesse Magowen plays a college junior, who sneaks in to a senior’s dorm to check out his porn magazine collection.



    On being discovered by the older student (Mike Cross) the unlucky lad is made to pay for his unwarranted intrusion. 


    Annoyed with the younger students impudent attitude the muscular senior picks him up off the bed and throws him across his knee. Suddenly this hapless youngster feels what it’s like to get spanked, and spanked till his very rounded butt cheeks are glowing red.

    Not satisfied with just a spanking the senior student grabs the boy again and marches him up to the bunk beds. The senior then whips the black leather belt from his jeans and making sure the youngster’s backside is well pushed out, begins to administer good strapping. 

    The building sting soon begins to reach a climax on the youths jutting out bare backside. The leather belt burns and the redness from the spanking is now getting even deeper. Feeling just a little regretful now it will be sometime before this junior student gets caught in the act again.



    There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog

  • Sting – Army Cadets 3 – Video trailer


    Here is the trailer for Army Cadets 3 – on a Fizzer – a tale of army life
    Staring Jimmy Evans, Dale Brady, Mike Cross and Rusty


    There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog 

  • Sting – Army Cadet 3 – On a Fizzer


    The latest download “Army Cadets Part 3 – On a Fizzer” 
    stars Dale Brady, Jimmy Evans, Rusty  and Mike Cross
     It’s back in barracks for Army Cadets part 3. This time Trooper Smith (Jimmy Evans) is in trouble with Staff Sgt Cross (Mike Cross) After a weapons inspection the Sergeant decides Smith is slacking and needs bringing back in to line. No point in charging him besides giving a good spanking to a slovenly trooper is one of his specialities. The staff Sergeants strong arm is swinging with military precision as Trooper smith yelps his way through the first part of his punishment. Smith’s well rounded, firm and raised young buttock are quickly turning red but elsewhere other things are stirring too. 


    Perhaps Smith is discovering something more about being spanked than he had realised. Now grabbing the riding crop, amounst other things, Staff Sargent Cross stands Smith up against the lockers and begins to administer a further whipping to his reddened and protruding bare backside. Thwack after thwack results in a well-disciplined trooper but the final result is more unexpected.


    The second soldier to avoid being put on a charge or ‘fizzer’ as the soldiers call it is Trooper Evans (Dale Brady) He too opts for an off the record punishment and is ordered to report to Staff Sergeant Cooper (Rusty) On arrival a sound spanking is given to the wayward trooper in true military fashion. The sergeant’s brawny right arm and hard pounding hand soon has the lad’s buttocks glowing red. 


    Then it’s out with the box horse and the Sergeant lays on a time honoured company punishment with a well-oiled swishy army rattan cane.

     This he changes half way through and delivers a very hard arse burning thrashing to Trooper Evans bare bottom. Evans howls and growls literally as every cut delivers a band of fire to his burning backside. This is caning army style, hard and painful as any young soldier should expect when breaking the rules. 


  • In Production- Coming Soon from Sting “Oh Brother 2”

    The sequel to “Oh Brother” is currently in production at Sting and will be released soon.  Oh Brother 2 is set in a Catholic institution and includes stars such as Darren, Brandon Junior, Damien Drake, Dexter, Mike Cross and new actor Daniel Fliesh 

     Dexter and Darren

     Not sure how comfortable Damien will feel sitting on that bike!! …


     Brandon and Mike Cross

    Brandon’s bottom really reddens up!

    New boy Daniel Fliesh

    There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog

  • New From Sting – College Crimes (Part 2)

    The final post for Sting Sunday is the second set of pictures from Sting’s latest Download
    College Crimes 

    Nichols (Marco) and Rutherford (Leonardo King) have been caught fighting, and are sent to the headmaster where they are both given a hard spanking followed by a stiff caning.

    Bucking and yelling as the stripes are laid on they both lads decide it’s perhaps better to just talk it out in future! 

    Back in the park Collins and Grafton are suddenly disturbed by a barked out statement behind them. ‘What are you doing here?’ Truanting and smoking means they are in real trouble. The Head, too busy himself to deal with this infringement, so Mr Brookes is left to deal with the two lads………… 

    This he does with relish especially having been dealt with himself only the day before. A good sound bare bottom spanking is follow by a stinging hiding with the slipper. It’s been a week of whacking’s and quite a few of the students, now dealt with, are certainly in future going to avoid getting involved in College Crimes

    At 40 mins long and staring a host of both new and well known Sting lads, plus a handsome new top, who also gets his own bottom tanned, this is another delightful college life romp from the masters of their art.  Classic Sting at its best!

    College Crimes
    There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog

  • New From Sting – College Crimes (Part 1)

    The latest download from Sting College Crimes is 40 minutes long and features a host of new and established sting actors

    Due to its length and the number of scenes, I will post this set of preview pictures in two halves


     It is morning and across town young guys are heading for college. In one part of the city Johnny Casper (Damien Drake) is catching his bus as usual …

     This time however he decides to re decorate the upper deck with his marker pen……

     …. this is much to the annoyance of the conductor (Dexter) who decides more than a little discipline is needed and puts young Casper over his knee (This appearance by Damien Drake was his first ever role in a Sting film)

     Meanwhile, two college lads Collins (Luke Desmond) and Grafton (Milo Taylor) deciding it’s just too hot a day for studying so they bunk off lessons. Whilst sitting in the park they begin to remember some of the incidents of the past week…..

    .. remembering one recent event that involving a college boarder, Nick Slater who had decided to execute a daring night right on the tuck shop store cupboard. The unlucky lad had been caught by Mr Brookes, the new young teacher who had recently joined the college (Mike Cross). The next day Slater is dealt with by Mr Brookes who administers a bare bottom spanking …

    … followed by a stinging session with the gym slipper. 
    The next event concerns young Mr Brookes himself who is caught out selling grass to his sixth formers….
    Feeling unduly generous the Headmaster allows him the choice of being disciplined like a sixth former. He agrees and a good bare bottom spanking  …..

     …and belting follow suit. 

    Leaving the handsome young school master in some difficulty when he next tries to sit down!! 

    Another disciplinary event involving both Nichols (Marco) and Rutherford (Leonardo King) is then remembered …..

    They had been fighting after a disagreement about a football match and soon discover that one result of fighting is a very sore bottom ……

    More of their ordeal in part 2, which will be posted this evening…..
    TO BE CONTINUED …………………………………….!

    College Crimes
    There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog

  • Introducing some new Sting Tops

    Big blond Mike Cross is a new Sting Top.  Tom will be appearing in a number of forthcoming Sting and Hornet productions, including one being filmed as I write.  He is shown here with another new Sting Actor Julian Lynson.

    A scene from a future Sting movie

     Mike will also be taking some punishment himself as  the above picture of him getting his comeuppance reveals!!!

    Mike before he was blonde

    Lion hearted Aslan appeared in the latest Sting download Crime Spree, pictures from which I posted last week.  He will also be appearing in a number of soon to be released Sting movies.  So far Aslan is totally committed to his role as a spanking top, but we will see if Sting are able to persuade him to change his mind and bend over!
     Aslan with Dale in Crime Spree

     Spanking Dexter
    Nolan Miller will also  be appearing in the near future, initially as a top, but Sting hope to feature him in other roles going forward.


     There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog