There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 proof of age/record keeping statement in the right hand column of this blog
- Category Archives Matt Mills
The second set of pictures from Sting’s special length download “Discipline Down(load) Under” in which Matt Masterson (played by Matt Mills) gets a good hard strapping for playing truant. Now Matt’s tight white pants come down, and the second half of the strapping will be on his very ternder bare behind!!!Discipline Down(Load) Under – Download
Strapping Matt – Part 1
Matt Mills returns to his role as Matt Masterson in Discipline Down(load) Under, the first of the Sting special Length downloads. And pays the penalty for playing truant, by taking a very painful strapping, starting across the seat of his tight white shorts
Right Masterson, its time to take those shorts downTO BE CONTINUED …………………
Spank Matt’s bottom to go to the Sting site
Discipline Down(Load) Under – Download
There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 proof of age/record keeping statement in the right hand column of this blog
Matt Mills on location in Prague #2
A further, instantly recognizable, shot of Matt Mills taken yesterday during further filming of Borstal Days 2 which is currently in production at the Sting studios in Prague
Matt Mills on location in Prague
Fans of Sting actor Matt Mills may be interested to note he is currently in Prague filming a sequel to “My Borstal Days” for Sting. Here he is getting the cane, tomorrow its the borstal birch!!
Sting’s latest Download – St Datchet’s Academy – the Epilogue
The new Sting download “St Datchet’s Academy – The Epilogue” complete the story of Tales from St Datchets Academy. In the original story (also on DVD) the final reckoning had come for the lads at Debden Hall, Nick Frazer and Mike Dawson. Frazer receiving a hard birching from his housemaster while his cohort Dawson was made to look on and witness the spectacle. In this new story (The epilogue) the prefects at St Datchets, Christian Weaver (Brett Stevens) and Paul Harrington (James) also get their comeuppance for their own illegal trading activities associated with Frazer and Dawson. Weaver is willing to accept his guilt and takes a hard caning of which he painfully calls and counts out every stroke! Harrington the ringleader doesn’t want to come so easily but is forced by the new housemaster Dr Barton, now transferred from Debden Hall, to take his well deserved punishment a birching with the famed St Datchets brush birch laid on by Mr James the PE head.
The final reckoning had come for Weaver and Harrington but others too where feeling the sting of firm discipline. New PE master Mr Medek (Dexter) was dealing out his own form of punishment to two inseparable offenders Simmons (Sebastian) and Roberts (Rowan Hunter). Good hard over the knee spankings followed by the slipper and a burning touch the toes caning was this fit young PE masters recipe to cure bad behaviour. Another student, Andrew Peterson (Ginger) is keeping Mr Gregory busy with his tuck shop raiding exploits resulting in a night time slippering over the gym horse.
New master Mr Jeffries (Jamie) also crosses swords with young Peterson who soon finds himself across his knee! New prefects are being made up and one Macalister (Barry) is getting his punishment giving skills in order. His spanking of 5th former James Mitchell (Alistair Cole) seems to be a good start but laying on a good caning is another matter! Joe Templeton (Matt Mills) has managed to rub Deputy Head Alan Harrison up the wrong way again and is summoned to the hall for a birching. The padre ever watchful for transgressors deals with both Charlie (Vex) and Chinese student Lee, his heaving pounding hand bringing a sharp sting to the boy’s defenceless bare bottoms. All in all for the wayward Students it’s a red raw and painful run up to the end chapter of St Datchets Academy: The Epilogue.
Those who remember the scene in St. Datchet’s Academy where Weaver (Brett) and Harrington (James) bully poor little David, will enjoy seeing them get their comeuppance. Here Weaver gets 24 strokes of the cane, all on his bare behind.
(Coming Soon from Sting) St Datchet’s Academy – The Epilogue
The next Sting Download will be the final instalment of the St Datchets saga which started with Gray Shorts, and will tie some loose ends and reacquaint us with some warmly remembered friends. Including previously unreleased footage shot in England prior to Sting’s move to Prague, and also English lads who have recently visited Stings new studio, this download will be a delight for fans of the original British cast as well as the new Prague based actors.
St Datchets Academy – the Epilogue stars British actors Ginger, Brett Stevens, Matt Mills, Barry and Vex together with popular Czech lads Sebastian, Alistair, Lee and Rowan Hunter and a lot of birches, slippers and canes thrown in for good measure.
Paddling Matt – More from Reformatory USA
As promised, here are some images from another scene in Reformatory USA featuring Matt Mills and the prison Warden.After the earlier scene posted last weeek, showing Matt’s lengthy session over the warden’s knee (here and here) this time Matt is face down over the gym vaulting horse and on the bruised bottomed end of a good ol’ all American paddling.
Reformatory US DVD
Reformatory USA Download
Sting at Mans Hand Films– For US usersClick here to view the official Reformatory USA video trailer
Stinglads Fan Club – Google Group
A link to the Sting Pictures USC 18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column at this blog
Matt Mills Upended – Reformatory USA (Part 2)
Some more images from Sting’s Reformatory USA featuring Matt Mills of the Warden’s kneeIf poor Matt thinks his butt is sore now, wait until the next time he misbehaves
and the Warder reaches for his paddle…
Reformatory US DVD
Reformatory USA Download
Sting at Mans Hand Films– For US usersClick here to view the official Reformatory USA video trailer
Stinglads Fan Club – Google Group
A link to the Sting Pictures USC 18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column at this blog
Matt Mills Upended – Reformatory USA (Part 1)
Matt Mills is certainly one of Sting’s most popular and spankable young actors. Who among us doesn’t want to throw that bad boy over your lap, pull down his designer pants and spank his cute bare bottom until he begs for mercy ……… and then smack him harder?In Reformatory USA by Sting Pictures young Matt Mills gets his little butt seriously tanned by the head Warden (played by Dr Barton) in two hot scenes. In the first scene he goes over the Warden’s knee for a long hard hand spanking first on the seat his pants, then on his underpants, and then ………..
………the underpants come down!!!
Reformatory US DVD
Reformatory USA Download
Sting at Mans Hand Films– For US usersClick here to view the official Reformatory USA video trailer
A link to the Sting Pictures USC 18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column at this blog
1900 House of Correction – screen shots Part 2
In the second half of Sting Pictures’ Double Bill, the 1900 House of Correction various implements are employed in order to discipline the youthful behinds of six unfortunate young Edwardian lads. After the firm hand spankings, seen in part one, it is now time for three of the young scallywags to experience a taste of the leather strap.His bottom still stinging from the master’s firm hand Barry bends over the bed for a good hard belting.
The Colonel is pleased to note from the sounds echoing around the institution that his rules are being vigorously applied
Believing he is unobserved, one young lad (Matt Mills) takes the opportunity fore a little solitary pleasure.
High Quality images from this movie can be viewed hereLinks
Sting Double Bill – DVD
Sting Double Bill – DownloadSting at Mans Hand Films– For US users
A link to the Sting Pictures U.S.C 18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column at this blog