(Coming Soon from Sting) St Datchet’s Academy – The Epilogue

The next Sting Download will be the final instalment of the St Datchets saga which started with Gray Shorts, and will tie some loose ends and reacquaint us with some warmly remembered friends. Including previously unreleased footage shot in England prior to Sting’s move to Prague, and also English lads who have recently visited Stings new studio, this download will be a delight for fans of the original British cast as well as the new Prague based actors.

St Datchets Academy – the Epilogue stars British actors Ginger, Brett Stevens, Matt Mills, Barry and Vex together with popular Czech lads Sebastian, Alistair, Lee and Rowan Hunter and a lot of birches, slippers and canes thrown in for good measure.

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Mister Wolfe
Mister Wolfe
13 years ago

Cool!! How long have I waited to see Matt Mills getting the birch!

13 years ago

Ginger over the knee
his faboulous fanny
spanked thoroughly