Tales from the Headmaster’s Study 3 – The Bike Thief
Following the ill-fated cross country run which featured in Tales from the Headmaster’s Study 2 “A Sting in the woods” Beecham (Damien Drake) still has to answer for other misdemeanours. Having been pre warned in the woods it’s now time to knock again at the Headmasters study door.
The problem revolves around the staff bicycle that mysteriously went missing; well it wasn’t so mysterious really Beecham nicked it.
Now bending down and touching his toes while the head selects a whippy senior cane, perhaps the joy ride wasn’t such a good idea. Twelve Stinging strokes later Beecham knows it really wasn’t such a good idea.
Slowly standing, his bottom burning from the cane, he catches the eye of Mr McIvor his House Master. It isn’t over for Beecham and with the Head now attending to other business Mr Ivor is already reading a list from his red book of shame regarding the lads conduct over the past month. It doesn’t look good and as Beecham gets ready to go over the Housemaster’s knee he know siting down later in class may not be easy.
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