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Sergio has had a shower and left the bathroom in a mess. This was found by Teodor and even before Sergio has had a chance to dress he is called in to pay the price for making a mess.
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CP4Men: Spanked Swimmer – Featuring Deacon Smith
Every boy on the swim team knows that if they screw up by failing to achieve there maximum achievement the head coach has made it quite clear that he will administer corporal punishment as a means to help them get back on the road to success. Nobody knows that better than Deacon who has experienced going over the coaches knee before-will this be the last time? Who knows!
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Tomas is urgently in need of a disciplinary punishment, so the master punishes him with a hard punishment delivered painfully with the nine-tailed whip on his bare butt. This really pushes his endurance close to its breaking point. He then receives a vigorous and painful spanking by hand, and afterwards the master asks him to choose and try out first on his own ass another tool for his next punishment. He chose an artfully crafted but painful leather strap, Tomas receives a hard strapping with it, followed at the turn of a card by another good hard hand spanking. After this severe and painful punishment Tomas can be considered to have weather it all like a real man.
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Robi is afraid of the master, but he is also obsessed with the master’s shirts, he has a love hate relationship with the shirts, despising seeing them but at the same time finding something alluring about them. Feeling horny and being alone in the house Robi takes the opportunity to go to the master’s closet to get his shirts, and then goes to the master’s room where he starts to masturbate over the shirts. Unfortunately for him the master returns early from work and finds him in the act. The master understands the situation and decides to punish the boy with a serious flogging with the belt and then proceeds to use the shirts to masturbate him to no avail. This earns Robi a whipping and the instructions afterwards to ejaculating or face another further punishment. After cumming Robi now has to wear the dirty shirts all day, and after it all wash and iron them within 2 days.
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Teodor has been out and around looking for new lads. He has stumbled across a likely looking candidate and after a discussion a deal is agreed and they head off back to the apartment. *
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