• Category Archives birch
  • Sting: The Birching Block 8 (Part 1 of 2)

    video preview

    The Birching Block 8

    At Seaton Grange the old wooden birching block has been placed in position. Yet again two unruly gentleman are to be taught some manners whilst kneeling, bare bottoms raised high, on its well worn step. The birches, freshly soaked, are ready to use. The condemned boys will soon be stripped and waiting for the ominous command Go down sir!


    Two senior boys both carrying the name of James have been carpeted in front of the Headmaster for various offences. Both lads do not want their parents informed of their antics whilst boarding away so will settle for the punishment of birching, an age old custom of this particular college.



    The first, Hilton (Bob Stone) for indulging in too much alcohol when he should know better


    He will pay for his indulgence with a very sore bottom

    The master who duty it is to lay on the punishment is Mr Sharpe.





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    Continue reading  Post ID 9928

  • Sting: The Birching Table (Part 1 of 2)

    The Birching Table


    A larger version of the video Preview can be viewed at the Feel The Sting Blog Here.


    .The video preview can also be viewed at Spanking Tube


    The Birching table

    This device for securing young delinquents for punishment originated in Scotland. Mainly used for birching, the tawse was also used as a punishment on this table. It is said by some who received it to be more dreaded. The last recorded judicial birching on the British mainland* was in Fort William in 1948.



    Up before the Magistrate is George Andrews (Joshua Clark) His law breaking has finally earned him a dose of the birch.




    To encourage him to keep his bottom raised, a ginger feague, inserted into Andrews’ most intimate area, intensifies the humiliation of the punishment





    Click on the Continue Reading Tab in the tabs below to see more pictures:




    Continue reading  Post ID 9928

  • TD Monthly 10th Anniversary Interviews (Part 3 – Mr Andrews aka Dr. Barton)

    This is the third and  part of the series of  three articles first published by TD Monthly magazine in 2009 to celebrate their tenth anniversary
    The Subject of this third and final article is that most intimidating of authority figures Mr Andrews, better known to JockSpank readers as Dr Barton 


    Part three of “The 39 Steps”: an interview with Mr. Andrews of Sting fame.


    MR. ANDREWS (A.K.A. Dr Barton)

    Q1. You play the role of Headmaster very well: very eloquent, and you come over as a typically strict disciplinarian. Is this a natural ability or has there been any kind of formal training in this role?

    A. It’s very good of you to say so. I’ve not had any formal training, although in my professional life I teach history in higher education. I did amateur dramatics when I was a teenager both at school and in a local dramatic society, so I suppose I’m a frustrated actor! I find that it’s a question of finding the assertive part of my personality and developing that. It also comes from watching other actors on the stage and in films and TV, etc. and seeing things which work and can be used.

    Q2. Along the same lines as Question 1, in addition to the eloquence, there is also an element of sarcasm when you play the role of disciplinarian, which I personally find very entertaining. Is this sarcasm something you intend to bring to a role, or is it something that occurs off the top of your head?

    A. I’ve always enjoyed the way schoolmasters in the past used sarcasm as a way of maintaining their authority and it is something I like to use when it’s appropriate. It also helps to stop the scenes becoming repetitious although the actual words are usually spontaneous and, I hope, they add to the scene and make it a bit more authentic.

    Q3. Do you work to any kind of pre-arranged script, or, again, are the lines completely spontaneous?

    A. It’s a bit of both. Although the scene will be worked out before we start filming – the setting, the reason for the punishment, the number of strokes and the implement, etc. we very rarely work from a detailed script for the dialogue. Most of the dialogue is spontaneous to begin with. The problem is that each scene is usually filmed two or three times with different angles and cameras and so there is a continuity issue that you have to use pretty much the same dialogue in each version of the scene, so one has to remember what one has said the first time round!

    Q4. In the STING PICTURES film, “Tales From St. Datchet’s Academy”, the final scene showed you birching one of the lads. You delivered the birch as naturally as you do the cane. Which of these two implements do you prefer to administer and why?

    A. The cane is the more usual implement because in the sort of scenes I’ve filmed with Sting it is more appropriate and authentic. The birch was used in the last scene of St. Dat’s to emphasize that it was an exemplary punishment. I have no great preference for either implement. 

    The main problem is that a birch rod is a very time consuming implement to prepare and can make a bit of a mess if the twigs break off when it’s being wielded! I can see why schoolmasters went over to the cane when it became available in Europe at the end of the 18th century: it’s much less time consuming!

    Q5. On a personal note, I’ve never delivered nor taken the birch, and most people would see it as a very specific form of punishment, primarily related to Public Schools of years gone by. In your experience, is the birch a common form of adult male punishment, or would you agree that it is quite specific and applied/taken by pure enthusiasts?

    A. I think a birch rod is more of a specialist implement for the reasons I’ve mentioned – the amount of time it takes to get suitable rods, soak them, tie them all together into a usable and authentic implement, etc. Having said that, I’ve always thought the birch was an implement redolent of historic corporal punishment. 

    My first memory of being ‘turned on’ by CP was aged 8 when I saw an illustration in ‘Look and Learn’ about ‘Going to school in Tudor times’, with a grim-faced schoolmaster wielding a birch. It also turns up in woodcuts and illustrations of medieval and Tudor schooling: some schools even had the birch rod on their school badge and it was seen as the schoolmaster’s ‘rod of office’. 



    My hero – Richard Busby, Headmaster of Westminster School for many years in the 17th century – boasted in old age that a good proportion of the bishops sitting in the House of Lords suffered under his birch! He has a monument in Westminster Abbey which praises his skill as a schoolmaster, but makes no reference to his prowess with the birch!

    Q6. If I’m not mistaken, we’ve yet to see you deliver implements such as the plimsoll, slipper, paddle or belt. Has your experience included these implements, or has your preference for the birch or cane led you to administer these implements more to date?

    A. I did wield a strap in, “Approved Education 2”, and I have been filmed dishing out a good spanking. 

    My personal preference is for over the knee spanking – it’s so wonderfully simple, all you need is a chair to sit on and a bottom to spank: it’s also very tactile – or the cane/birch. I’ve never really been that keen on the slipper or plimsoll, except if it’s used over the knee to give my hand a rest! My least favourite implement is the paddle which I find a bit basic, and it can bruise if not used with care.

    Q7. Would you consider appearing in a more domestic punishment scene, such as playing the role of a father or uncle, or do you prefer the Headmaster role above any other?

    A. Richard and Rob at Sting have been kind enough to say that I look good as a Headmaster and it’s a role I enjoy playing, but I’m quite happy to play a father or uncle, if the scene demands it – sort of ‘This is for your own good, lad’.

    Q8. Most people now remember you from your appearances in the STING PICTURES films and downloads, however, I do recall that prior to these you appeared in the CP SERVICES LONDON DVD entitled, “Domestic And School Discipline” (Vol 1). Was this your first appearance in this type of film, or, in fact, any film?

    A. I did two short scenes for CP Services, one called, “Indecency In The Showers”, the other called, “The Litany”. They were my first efforts at filming and were great fun. “Indecency In The Showers”, was not only my first CP film, it was also my first film! I was very lucky to be working with a lad called J Jay: he was great and did a lot to put me at my ease. We had a good laugh whilst filming. I think that is something which would surprise people if they could sit in on a shoot, the amount of humour and laughter that goes on between shots: all they see is me being grumpy and the boy being punished, but a lot of that is acting!

    Q9. In the film named above, you told Jameson to stop dancing about and to, “Take it like a man”. In the STING Download, “Approved Education 2”, you told Barry, “I intend to wipe that smile off your face”, and Brett (in relation to his continued running away) that, “Perhaps you could do us all a favour next time and run faster”. I personally find these type of comments highly entertaining. Can you assure us that future film appearances will include a continuance of such entertaining sarcasm, if you get the chance?

    A. I’m glad you like the sarcasm and I can guarantee that Mr. Andrews will continue to be the sarcastic bastard you’ve come to know and love!


    Q10. In addition to Richard Busby, are there any other historical figures that may have influenced either your interest in the corporal punishment scene or your style of administering punishment?

    A. I think Busby is the man I most admire, perhaps because my main area of historical work is in the seventeenth century. I just find it amazing that cultural values could change so much that a man who was known as a devotee of the birch could, at the same time, be honoured as one of the great schoolmasters of his generation. 

    Beyond that, I have a love of all that is ‘retro’, and love the way in which Sting films are set in a sort of post-war setting. As well as the acting, I’ve enjoyed recreating the sets and getting props together that will give something of the feel of, say, a school of the 1940’s and 50’s. It’s very nice to watch the end results on DVD and to be pleased with the set as well as the action. I’ve often thought that I was born in the wrong time and missed my vocation!

    Q11. Do you have a particular favourite amongst the STING lads that you may have enjoyed punishing more than others?

    A. That’s a difficult one, because I have enormous respect for all the lads who submit to hard and authentic whackings. I suppose I have to mention Lee, who was the lad I birched at the end of St. Dat’s. He really had not taken much CP before and he was thrown in at the deep end with a birching from me, but he was great and took it like a man! His boyfriend Nick, who had come along for the ride, was also persuaded to don a school uniform and take part and the chemistry between Lee and Nick adds so much to that scene. 

    The other lad I must mention is Ginge, who gets a good spanking and the cane

    from me in the download, “Sticks And Stones”. Again, he was fairly new to it all when he encountered me, but took it well. I must confess to having a bit of a ‘thing’ for ginger hair and Ginge was very cute!

    Q12. The collaboration between yourself and STING/CP SERVICES has proven very entertaining and enjoyable from my own personal point of view, and, no doubt, many others who have watched the films/Downloads. Is there any particular scene that sticks out in your own memory more than any other?

    A. I think it would have to be the final scene of St. Dat’s with Lee and Nick. Without wishing to boast, I think it makes a great finale to the film. It was also the first time I realised how long it takes to film a scene, as it took about 5 hours to film what ends up as a 10-15 minute scene.

    Q13. Finally, can we hope to see more appearances from Mr. Andrews in the future?

    A. I very much hope so. There is talk of a sequel to St. Dat’s and I believe there may be a possibility that the new Headmaster of St. Datchet’s might be a certain Dr Barton, formerly Housemaster at Debden Hall School and a strict disciplinarian…watch this space!

    TD Monthly EDITOR’S NOTE

    My sincere thanks to Mr. Andrews, as well as Rich from STING and Keith and Si from CP SERVICES LONDON, for taking part in, “The 39 Steps”. I had the original idea for a series of interviews with leading figures of the CP world more than 2 months ago. The project has involved a good deal of work, not least of which was tailoring the particular questions to suit the participants concerned. All the above individuals who kindly agreed to take part are busy people, and I very much appreciate the time and effort involved to answer my questions. I hope that readers enjoyed this one-off special – “The 39 Steps!”

    Phil Jones (Editor & Founder: TDM): January 2009

    Click for Part One and Part Two


  • Sting / Hornet – 1900 The Power Of Persuasion (Part 2)

    The mixture of pleasure and pain continue at the House of Correction, over in the workshop where two lads are cleaning up more indecent acts are brewing. John Kelly (Aaron Alton) and Henry Osborne (Oscar Roberts) will face the governor Colonel Lee and their cell block warder Mr Stoddard (Eddie Savion).
    Now both over the knee of the Governor and Mr Stoddard the two are spanked red raw in tandem.


    Later, The governor leaves instructing Mr Stoddard to administer the birch to each of the lad’s bare bottoms. This warder too sees his chance, who is ever going to know, the birch can stimulate more than just a well-rounded bare backside.


    First to feel the burning twigs lash in to his backside is John Kelly while on the other end young muscular Henry Osborne is servicing Mr Stoddard as he lays on the freshly soaked rods. 


    The strokes build up scorching Kelly’s bare bottom leading all to a climax but not before the situation is revered and it’s Osborne who is on the receiving end. The site of his whipped bottom bucking and arching as the birch bites home brings the young warder to a quick conclusion.

    It might have ended there but inmate Osborne who’s buttocks are still burning the day after feels they had a raw deal in more ways than one and Mr Stoddard finds himself informed upon.


    The Governor feels he has to do something and lets the young officer choose between dismissal or a dose of corporal punishment to rectify the situation. Warder Stoddard although a fit muscular young chap goes for the hiding.
    The Governors assistant Mr Lindsay will lay on the punishment a good spanking no less and a birching whilst over the birching pony normally reserved to deal with the very young charges he is supposed to instil a moral sense in to.
    Now the tables have really turned all down to the power of persuasion.


    Warning this download is over one hour long, so the HD versions are very large files. Please ensure that your Internet can download the size stated


  • Andy – Chinese Birch – 36 Hard Lashes!

    Posted on by Ward
     I wonder if Andy was still grinning so broadly after he’s received his punishment!!!
    In this scene there is no dialogue build up. Just Andy arriving, already knowing what his fate is.
    “You know why you are here”

     “Assume the position”
    Andy assumes the the position with his hands placed against the wall, Mr X starts the punishment. 

    12 lashes over his jeans,……
     “Get those jeans off”!!!
    then another 12 over his underwear


    Some interesting camera angles
    and finally 12 on his bare bottom
    “36 hard lashes”!
    After the punishment is over Andy is simply told to get dressed and leave……

    Video Preview
    As you can see from the pictures above, there are some quality issues with this video,due to a new and less experienced cameraman. The studio has taken this into account when setting the price.  For full details please click here and scroll down to read a message from Mr.X




  • Domestic Trilogy from Sting

    Posted on by Ward
     Domestic Trilogy is a new domestic themed download from Sting staring Sebastian, Barry and new Sting Lad Lewis Johanson
    The first scene features Sebastian in ‘Hello Mr Wood’.  A young man is caught trying to reactivate a military rifle. For this reckless act he is punished right there and then in the workshop.
     Soon his jeans are down and his bare backside feels a succession relentless slaps……… 

     To really make sure he understands the error of his ways the lad is ordered to lie across the tool box and the nearest instrument of correction is grabbed. A painful flat piece of pine slating is soon echoing round the workshop as it cracks in to the boy’s rounded bare bottom. This young gun is certainly going to learn a lesson.

    Lewis Johanson makes his debut appearance in “Puppy tail”

     Lewis has the dreaded task of returning home with yet another letter complaining of his behaviour. Dad has had enough and feels it’s high time to teach Jack a proper lesson, so, likening his ways as that of a naughty puppy he is treated as such…….. 

     Sent to his room to change and await punishment Jack can only reflect on what will happen. He doesn’t have to wait long and soon his Dad has him laid across his knee for a good spanking..

    his freshly inserted puppy tail adding to the humiliation

     Feeling he has been a little to soft with the boy a birch, kept on top of the wardrobe, is brought down to finish the lesson…….. 

    A further scene entitled ‘Sorry Pops’ takes a look at a South African Dads discipline method. Barry plays a wayward lad who has pushed his father too far. He returns home to find his dad is in no mood to compromise. Ordered to kneel in a sofa with his bare backside raised high the young lad bucks a yelps as a well-used leather belt scorches his naked bottom. This time Pops really is annoyed! 


     There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog

  • New From Sting – Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary … Part 1

    Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary” is the latest download by Sting.   
    In the old British Borstal System, known as juvenile correction in the US, lads had to wear khaki coloured short trousers and woollen shirts. The clothing chosen was often ex-military saving the government money and militarising the situation making it more regimental and tough for the inmates.
     Officer Carter had taken up his first post in a Borstal institution fresh from regular prison service. He soon settled in and realised that discipline administration is somewhat different for younger transgressors. Officer Copeland (Rusty) certainly knows how to deal firmly with unruly trainees and so he does with Kirby (Tom Nuttall) a cheeky young trainee from his own house. 
    Firstly, by marching him in to the changing room by his ear then laying on a traditional and firm spanking. Kirby squirms and twists as his bare backside gets redder and raw with each slap.

    However Copeland is never satisfied with just a spanking, so he chooses a whippy rattan cane from stock and orders Kirby to bend over. Reluctantly the lad obeys and receives a stinging batch of burning stripes across his already sore backside.


     Official birching has to be administered and its time for Trainee Williams (Matt Mills) to receive his. After the sentence is read out he is secured over the vaulting horse and Mr Copeland lays on the punishment.

    The whippy and sharp birch twigs lash home leaving poor Williams raised bare bottom feeling like its on fire! ……………..
    To be continued ………
    Click here for more pictures from Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary 
    There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declatation in the right hand column of this blog

  • Stingstruments – Part 2 – the Birch

     Following on from PartOne covering the cane, Part Two of Stingstruments looks at the Birch.
    Probably as well known as the rattan punishment cane it was also used in schools, Borstals, Prisons, Naval training ships and many judicial institutions across Europe. Firstly in a 1900’s House Of Correction a young strapping tearaway (Rusty) receives a sentence of 24 strokes held securely over the traditional birching pony. As the strokes build the legendary growing sting of the birch takes effect. Soon he is twisting and growling, his bare backside burning red as the biting twigs land very hard!……….


    Next up, wearing his stripped Pyjamas, it’s a good old traditional spanking from Dad none too pleased that the lad has been in trouble. This hard slapping over freshly laid birch strokes brings more hell fire to the lad’s already well-marked bottom! ………

     A further scene features another use of the birch. Rusty now plays a Naval training ship cadet ordered to receive 18 cuts bare breech. Taking down his white duck bell bottoms he positions himself over the gym horse, his well-rounded buttocks now raised high. The CPO takes up the instrument, all too well known in naval circles and lays on the cuts as sentenced. Taking his birching punishment like a man as stoic naval cadets were expected to do requires all the cadet’s resilience. The birch cuts home stroke after stroke again building in intensity till the lads bare backside is enflamed and raw.
    Reporting afterwards to the sick bay for an application of antiseptic was mandatory in days gone by and our cadet too is happy to receive this treatment especially after a dose of this latest Stingstrument: The Birch. 

    A link to the Sting 2257 proof of age declaration can be found in the right hand column of this blog

  • Coming soon from Sting – “Bring Back the Birch

    The next Sting Download “Bring Back the Birch” will be released later this week. Over an hour long, over two years in the making, and featuring a host of Sting lads, some familiar, and some new, this Sting documentary will examine the use of the birch as a fearsome instrument of punishment.
    Sting use authentic birch and hazel branches in their scary looking birches, not easy to find in central London, so maybe they send the bad lads out to the Bohemian woods looking for the switches which will later be used on their bottom?
    One thing is for certain, those things really *sting!!*
    There will be more pictures to follow when “Bring Back the Birch” is released
