Andy – Chinese Birch – 36 Hard Lashes!

 I wonder if Andy was still grinning so broadly after he’s received his punishment!!!
In this scene there is no dialogue build up. Just Andy arriving, already knowing what his fate is.
“You know why you are here”

 “Assume the position”
Andy assumes the the position with his hands placed against the wall, Mr X starts the punishment. 

12 lashes over his jeans,……
 “Get those jeans off”!!!
then another 12 over his underwear


Some interesting camera angles
and finally 12 on his bare bottom
“36 hard lashes”!
After the punishment is over Andy is simply told to get dressed and leave……

Video Preview
As you can see from the pictures above, there are some quality issues with this video,due to a new and less experienced cameraman. The studio has taken this into account when setting the price.  For full details please click here and scroll down to read a message from Mr.X




One Response to Andy – Chinese Birch – 36 Hard Lashes!

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Birch on the bare buttocks
    betters behavior best