Borstal Trilogy – From Sting

In the legendary British Borstal system specifically designed to re-train delinquent youths three main instruments of punishment were used. These of course were, apart from a good over the knee spanking, often delivered for minor infringements. In Stings latest hard hitting documentary drama we firstly encounter the senior officer disciplining trainee Castle (Dale Brady) for slacking and bad behaviour. His monthly report is very poor and for this lad it’s going to be a hard over the knee spanking both on underpants and bare bottom.
Trainee Johnson (Toby Haines) is also on the monthly report black list except he’s over stepped the mark a little too often and earned himself a dose of the infamous rattan punishment cane. He’s not going to get away lightly and he too finds himself firstly over the officer’s knee to receive a hard well laid on bare bottom spanking.



To get the cane as well after this is really going to sting and so it does as Johnson growls and hisses at each burning cut of the well-oiled rattan. 

Next Trainee Hollister (Marco) is caught smoking again. This with his lack of attention to duty infuriates Officer McClelland (Dexter) Hollister is soon staring at the polished wooden parquet floor as his bare bottom receives the stinging hard slaps that only Officer McClelland can lay on so well.

It doesn’t stop there though and after leaving the trainee to contemplate his now roasted rear the officer returns with the broad thick leather punishment strap. Now Hollister is bucking and yelling as this cruel instrument makes its mark and what marks they are as this bee sting like instrument can testify.

Unfortunately for Trainee Castle (Dale Brady) the day of his official court ordered birching arrives and he strips ready to mount the birching Pony. This particular piece of equipment had been used in this Borstal since 1910 and today it is again going to support and hold down yet another very naughty youth. Castle will count out a full thirty strokes of the birch that relentlessly scourge his defenceless bare buttocks red raw. 


These boys can take it hard but woe betide the boy who whilst being re trained manages to encounter all three, a real Borstal Trilogy!

Dexter as Officer McClelland



One Response to Borstal Trilogy – From Sting

  1. I like the Otk