BBFC: Viktor Gets the Strap

BBFC: Viktor Gets the Strap

Looks like Viktor is in trouble again and Dimitri calls him in.

The lad has to bend over the kitchen counter and present his rear end for a taste of the strap. Looking good he takes it well, and Dimitri lays it on without holding back.



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The denim shorts have to go and once they are down Viktor’s round little butt is seen in nice tight boxers.





The strap is helped in its work by Dimitri tweaking the lads ear, always good to see a top using a lads ears for the right purpose.



The bare ass strap set is just what Viktor needs, while he may not agree he has to take it as Dimitri is not a man to be argued with. A super strap clip with Viktor






2 Responses to BBFC: Viktor Gets the Strap

  1. Did his cock stiffen, if only a bit.? Something wrong if it didn’t. I know mine would,

  2. I’m absolutely with Khakibum in his sentiments expressed so eloquently above! At Viktor’s age, I would not have been able to take a belting like that (or indeed a truly severe spanking of any kind) without my cock standing up hard and proud like the Leaning Tower of Pisa!

    Young Viktor has taken some pretty harsh punishment since he appeared on BBFC – I reckon if I was one of the boys, I’d seriously feel I’d drawn the short straw by always having Dimitri to discipline me! We have seen that strap laid on across a lot of boys’ bottoms now and it clearly hurts, as is clear from Victor’s facial contortions! With the added indignity of some severe ear-pulling, this strapping is definitely leaving its mark on the lad! But then, of course, no boy needs to be naughty – if you’re a good lad, you don’t end up getting spanked, do you?!

    That said, a bottom like Viktor’s needs to be smacked regularly! How can we see him bent so spankably over the kitchen bench or watch him being laid over the knee and not believe that those pert (and when he has to take his boxer-briefs down) hairless buttocks were just moulded by the gods of Spankers’ Heaven for smacking?! I can’t watch this lad being disciplined without REALLY wishing I could swap places with Dimitri!

    Great choice of spankingwear, by the way, Viktor! So far we’ve seen the boy in a different pair of pants every time, which all adds to the interest of watching him being punished and heightens the anticipation as the spanking is laid on across the seat of his trousers and we wait to find out what he’s wearing underneath them! Only one bit of advice to him – Viktor, if you have any white boner-killers in your pants-drawer, please leave them there!