BBFC: Viktor Gets Down

BBFC: Viktor Gets Down

Teodor gets Viktor down and over the coffee table and sets about giving him a spanking. This lad never seems to learn that the easy way through life is to behave, somehow he just doesn’t get it and that’s why he is always ass up at some point.



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But when a lad has a great little butt like Viktor it is good to spank him as regularly as possible, and when the lad helps with that it’s nearly always time to be spanked.


He looks good in shorts and even better in boxers but it’s a bare as spanking he needs. Teodor does a great job with this lad and he looks very unhappy as he leaves.




One Response to BBFC: Viktor Gets Down

  1. I wish Teo will use a belt one day and wear different button down shirt what will be unbuttoned.Flannel shirt would suits him.