BBFC: The Strap For Petr

BBFC: The Strap For Petr

Petr is one of those lads that always seems to be in some sort of trouble. He knows he has to face the music and tries to hide behind a cheeky smirk. He does not look particularly repentant as he walks in but Dimitri has plans to change all that.



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Bending the lad over the table he sets about laying on the strap. Trackies look good on lads and make them look sexy but they have to go after a warm when you are spanking them. Blue well fitting underwear show off a small firm muscular butt well. The strap is a fine compliment for these although Petr might not agree.





A good bare ass spanking, a furry little butt that just says spank me, follows and the lad has the smirk wiped off his face. A super clip with Petr


One Response to BBFC: The Strap For Petr

  1. If laughter is the best medicine, then I think it’s also true that spanking is the best attitude adjuster! As Dimitri sets about amply demonstrating to young Petr in this delightful spanky little clip!

    In comes Petr, brimful of attitude! Clearly no conscience at all about the behaviour that has led to his punishment. It’s so often the case with boys, isn’t it? Mind you, I find that the thing about being spanked is that young lads never remain cocky for long. From the moment they’re subjected to the humiliation of being made to bend over whether they’re being laid over the knee or bent over one of the articles of furniture traditionally used for discipline purposes – the desk, the chair or the table as is being used to bend Petr over for his punishment – the attitude instantly starts to change! From that moment when a lad is suddenly brought up short and being made to assume that humbling and embarrassing bending posture that tells him absolutely clearly that he is no longer the big bold buck – but that he is now simply a helpless boy about to get his bottom smacked – yes, his bottom! Oh, the shame of it! And that’s exactly how he should be feeling!

    The combination of skinny lycra black track-suit bottoms and short, clingy navy-blue boxer-briefs is a combination straight out of the fashion-emporia of Spankers’ Heaven! Trackie-bums and a selection from Petr’s pants-drawer that are the perfect degree of shortness for punishment and also my second all-time favourite colour for spankingwear! WOW!!! My fingers just are so itchy, it’s becoming hard (Fnarr! fnarr!) to type, haha!

    As Petr’s pants are pulled down and those bare but delightfully hirsute buttocks are well and truly leathered, turning them a deep shade of pink that truly betokens a hot. stinging, smarting sensation, I find myself asking, as I always do when a smacking reaches this stage that the effect will probably last a day or two with young Petr feeling a sad and sorry boy. But as he makes good what is evidently for him a welcome escape, pulling his boxer-briefs gingerly over his hotly-glowing bum, something tells me it will only be a day or two …or so I hope!