BBFC: Thaigo Wheelbarrow

BBFC: Thaigo Wheelbarrow

Thiago has an attitude that says he needs to spanked on a regular basis, he never learns to just do as he is told and go the easy way through life.

So it is no surprise that he finds himself going into the wheelbarrow position.


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Once there he gets a good set to warm up on the underwear and let him know he has to look at his attitude carefully.

Once his underwear is off and he is back in position the slipper comes out and is laid on hard. The look on his face as the resounding whacks land is priceless.

The wheelbarrow is always a great position to get any guy into, open and vulnerable and ideal for spanking. The end of the session Thiago gets his ass rubbed with a soothing cream, lets hope he does not see it as an excuse to stop being naughty


One Response to BBFC: Thaigo Wheelbarrow

  1. Uncle Franco always encourages Thiago to keep in touch with the home boys, admiring he does so with bucolic buddies for life and vague aquaintances alike, always willing to offer any advice and support, but(t) strict Sir clearly commanded a complete country-contacts-cut continuing the complete college cramming-complement and -exams-proper. Catching the currish cutie calling to comprehensively counsel a country comrade’s college-candidate kid cousin, he crossly curses the cut-command-contrary contact and coldly condems the contritely cramming-compromising kid to ‘crimson consequences’: copious CP, consistently covering his clothless cones, causing cringing contractions and contrite cries caused by copious cones-contact.
    As a matter of poetic justice, perfectly fitting the literary subject he’s supposed to study fulltime right now, strict Sir starts painfully pulling the ever-exposed ear that listened to the untimely rural respondent, pressing the pouting puppy to perfectly-perilously present his pert, perfectly-profiled penitent-posterior and painfully-pinchable privacy-privation-programmed-private-parts in the position of the prop presenting the puerile pup’s preparedness to prep peers, carrying their loads of questions like a wheelbarrow, now loaded lasting-lesson-long with lots of limber-lout-lower-limbs-lividly-lashing licks to learn a lesson of less-distraction, less-leaving-learning to lecture lads, leaving-them to later-only.
    Since strict Sir systematically spares his squirt the slipper in sensual (softy) and study-stimulating (sturdier) spanking sessions, saying it’s too demeaning as footwear is meant to fight dirt, not knavery, a firm flipflop-fanny-flailing phase is focusing on a fundamental fault or flaw, fit to feed frightful fury if furthered by the foolishly-fallen, full-fury-flagellation-fated fledgling.
    When the poor, pantsed, plenty-painfully-posterior-pounded pup pouts he can’t bring himself to tell country college-candidates to wait, Sir makes this video to send to each of them, showing the poignant point of preceptorial priorities at pain of a pristine-pink-to-profound-pain-purple posterior-pounding as properly-probate proof on pelicule of the point to pick a proper period.