BBFC: Thaigo Over The Knee

BBFC: Thaigo Over The Knee

Trying to sneak back into the apartment quietly as he is late, Thiago thinks he has got away with it. But that’s not the case and in no time he finds himself over the knee and getting a walloping.


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Looking even inch a brat in shorts and a baseball cap Thiago gets just whats needed. But his struggling and squirming means he has to be held in place by the junk, thi s is always a good way to control any brat.


Its a good solid over the knee and one that this lad has needed for a while, maybe he will be able to tell the time from now on.



One Response to BBFC: Thaigo Over The Knee

  1. Countryboy Thiago absolutely loves staying with his cool city uncle, so he bragged to bucolic buddies about both city-life and favorite father-figure Franco, who actually allows him to guide boorish homeboys on cosy tours of campus and student life in the amazingly-cool city, but(t) wisely forbids including party nightlife, as that may rather compromise the kids’ chances to get parental approval to enroll.
    So when Thiago returns from another such amical ‘complete tour plus’, Franco feels a fatal responsability to such boy Billy and his boorish bumpkins family, promised a guide on measure for a prospected college study, actually visiting more pubs then academic sites and ending-up drunk as a skunk, having spent his last dime. Uncle sends Billy to Thiago’s bed to sleep off a huge hangover, planning to buy him a ticket home and first call his strict father in the morning, who will insist on the ‘boys who play together, pay together’ principle, asking Franco to give Billy the same whalopping as Thiago and send the latter along at his first holiday to be lined-up starkers for furious festive-fellows-fannies-flogging over the same sawhorse with Billy.
    Meanwhile Thiago spent most of the night over Franco’s lap and on all four for further flailing, a fury he never before felt from fine-mannered Franco, admitting he asked for it and got what he deserves, but(t) pleading poor Billy was misled and inexperienced, it’s unfair to put him trough as harsh a lesson, so they agree to edit the video Franco made for Billy’s father so as to make it appear much shorter and let Billy-boy off with ‘the same’.
    Furthermore, Sir tests on thornily-tush-tortured Thiago’s tanned-to-true-tears-tail a soothing cream Sir kept for emergencies, which works really well, so Billy will get double dose here and the remaining bulk of the tube by mail, so he can suitably sooth his simmering seat after the full-force fatherly flogger-fury, after sharing Thiago’s home bubble-bath, and perhaps new tubes as annual birthday gift as his father’s birthday spankings are gruelling globes-grillings given with a freshly-cut switch by many male kin and friends.
    Finally Franco and the farmer-father agree to compare report cards each term, with the worst grades worth a wickedly-well-willow-wielded woodshed weekend of whippings halfway to helpless-heightened-humblehound-heinie-hiding hell on Saturday and back on Sunday in Bill senior’s barn, except if both get straight AAs, so as to thoroughly-tush-terror-thornily motivate both to study their thrashable-teen-tails off competitively all term long. Similar deals will be struck for his other boorish buddies, setting an ever-higher standard for Thiago’s study.