BBFC: Stepan Gets a Walloping

BBFC: Stepan Gets a Walloping

Over the table is popular judging by the requests BBFC get. So add that to the requests to see Stepan and this is the clip.


Called in by a gleeful Dimitri Stepan bends over the table and prepares for a walloping. Wearing grey sweats he has that naughty look about him anyway, no need really to wait until he screws up before spanking him.



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Stepan always manages to look really hurt, like he should be spanked because he is innocent. Of course that’s simply not try, like all lads he is always up to something he shouldn’t be.




The underwear he is wearing fit well and show him off nicely, he has a very shapely butt.





That is followed by his bare ass spanking which makes him look even more put out and he is pulling faces and really not happy. Dimitri always lays on a good spanking and with a lad like Stepan he has his work cut out to keep him in line .


One Response to BBFC: Stepan Gets a Walloping

  1. It’s true that a boy as spankable as young Stepan is going to look as smackable bent over at a good rightangle as he looks when he is laid over the knee! And this clip is positive proof thereof!

    Although interestingly, Dimitri has his left knee between Stepan’s legs and the table, thereby contriving to bend him over his knee and the table both at once! Truly the best of both worlds, ensuring that Stepan is indeed well and truly bent over! A bit like bending a lad over the raised knee! Stepan reminds me a bit of young Dominic the way he looks round to try and see what is happening to him during his punishment and this gives us the great delight of being able to see his agonised facial expressions and soundless cries of pain as Dimitri’s clearly hard hand smacks down across his beautifully rounded bottom, SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

    What a delicious treasure-trove Stepan’s pants-drawer is turning out to be! So far, he hasn’t worn the same colour underpants twice for a spanking, which I hope is deliberate and we get the opportunity to see more of the riches that nestle there! He clearly has a preference for good short boxer-briefs which of course is perfect for spankingwear and today’s choice are a great colour too! As with any new boy, I have a slight worry that he will turn up one day to get his bottom smacked wearing white boner-killers – he hasn’t done so far though, so long may it continue! I have to say, I’d love to see him get smacked in briefs, preferably laid over the knee! 259 smacks on the briefs – that, I’m pretty sure, is the longest smacking that we’ve seen Dimitri lay on across the seat of a boy’s underpants!

    I loved Stepan’s ineffectual attempt to stop Dimitri taking his trackie-bottoms down! I remember an occasion when I was spanking one of my naughty boys over a pair of very short shorts and he tried to stop me taking them down when the moment came for him to be smacked on his knix! After six of the best (and I mean, the BEST!) on his underpants with the senior boys’ cane for it, he never tried that again! I wonder how Stepan felt when Dimitri tightened his boxers – from the libidinous point-of-view, it can create the most delicious range of sensations, especially if a lad is hard from being spanked! My briefs were always tightened before a spanking at home, so I can speak with authority on that subject!
    I’d be hard put to it to say which of the spankings Stepan has had administered so far I have enjoyed most. They’ve all been different and all had their merits, so I’ll reserve judgement until I have seen him get his arse tanned a few more times – I hope there are going to be a good many more! Saying that, he definitely improves with keeping – he seems just to get more spankable every time we see him disciplined! Could I maybe make a suggestion and request seeing him get a smacked bum in a pair of short shorts?