BBFC: Paul and Danny

BBFC: Paul and Danny

Paul is not a man to be messed around and even the slightest infringement of the rules will result in a spanking.


Danny discovers this the hard way and finds himself being told to lean against the wall for a paddling.


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Paul lays into the naughty lads but with the leather paddle and soon has him wishing he had obeyed the rules.





Danny, who looks delightfully mischievous with his new short haircut, protests and starts to move around. He is told again and again to adopt the position and take what’s coming. Paul shows he knows how to deal with bad behaviour. 











One Response to BBFC: Paul and Danny

  1. WOW!!! My ears and saintly whiskers! That paddle sounds so loud against young Danny’s cheeky little bum! Paul is obviously spanking him hard and he is very thorough in the way he lays on! I noticed that he smacks Danny quite a lot around the sides of his bottom, a very effective punishment! Those are incredibly sensitive areas and being smacked across them produces very different sensations from those created by spanking across the middle of the buttocks! From Danny’s reactions, he is clearly suffering as a naughty boy needs to be made to suffer while he is being punished, which of course is the whole point in giving him a smacked bottom in the first place.

    Danny’s orange boxer-briefs make perfect spankingwear, being just long enough to frame his bottom perfectly for his punishment, but short enough at the same time to make him look almost unbearably spankable! An aside occurs to me here, which is that as a youngster I never wore orange underpants. In the 1970s, boys’ orange nylon briefs were readily available, but after nylon y-fronts went out of vogue, to be superseded by boys’ slips – lightweight cotton bikini briefs, which instantly became the fashion amongst lads who would previously have not been seen dead in anything but coloured nylon briefs – orange underpants also seemed to disappear off the market for a time. Good that things have changed, because orange is such a nice, bright colour for spankingwear!

    Considering that Danny is visibly being quite severely disciplined, I was surprised that his perky, well-formed hindquarters were not redder than they were when the time came for him to take his pants down! He showed great reluctance at this point, absolutely understandably – I found myself thinking “Blimey O’Reilly, poor little lad!” But then I had to remind myself that Danny has shown us very clearly that he is a naughty boy, and knows perfectly well what the consequences of his naughtiness are likely to be.

    I think Tony has done a great job in giving Paul the opportunity to launch his career as a top for BBFC! Just two films and this hunky guy has demonstrated that he is a severe and artistic spanker who has no hesitation in handing out very strict discipline to recalcitrant young lads who are in need of it! I will watch his progress with interest! Oh, and I really, REALLY want to see him spank Philip!!!