BBFC: Panos Catch Up

BBFC: Panos Catch Up

Been a while since we saw Panos, and it seemed right to have him catch up with his mischief account, as it’s been a while he must have run up a list of things that he has done that require a spanking, all lads do. So he is in for a long session, although he does not know it.


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To start with he gets a classic OTK, this sets the scene and gets him starting to focus on his behaviour. This is followed by a set with the slipper OTK, a classic spanking as many will no doubt know from experience.


But this is not enough and he is told to stand up and bend over the chair, he casts a worried glance round to see what’s coming. Well it’s the carpet beater, always good for coverage, and it has a great lingering sting after each swat.


Finally he gets a set with the paddle, an old-fashioned heavy paddle, and that brings out a nice bloom on his ass, not easy with Panos as he is one of those lads that does not colour easily. All in a great long clip with four spanking for this naughty guy .


2 Responses to BBFC: Panos Catch Up

  1. It really is the cat’s ass to see Tony back in action, and once again with young Panos laid over his knee to get his large bottom thoroughly smacked!

    The combination of close-fitting blue shorts and very tight briefs (navy-blue, too – my second-favourite colour for spankingwear, and with a contrasting red trim!) is one that is always going to do it for me every time! and those briefs! I can’t help thinking that they had to be a deliberate selection from Panos’ pants-drawer for his punishment! They look as if a spanking afficionado had gone to a young men’s fashion-designer and said to them ‘Design us a pair of briefs for a young lad to wear over the knee for a good spanking!’ Panos is just asking for it, walking round wearing those!

    I don’t think I’ve see Tony slipper a boy before, but I’ve often thought I’d love to see him lay a lad over his knee for a slippering – that, as he says is a classic spanking! In fact it is the most classic of all forms of spanking and one with which I became well and truly acquainted through my naughty, misspent youth – the slipper being my guardian’s favourite instrument of discipline for bringing errant and wayward young lads to heel! And it is clearly a painful implement in Tony’s hands!

    The carpet-beater is a truly awesome instrument of punishment, being like a number of canes woven together, so that every WHACK! feels like several strokes of the cane being laid on at once! It is also unique in its ability to cover almost the whole surface area of a boy’s bottom and part of his sit-spot all at once, even as ample a bottom as Panos’s! Boy, does your arse smart after its caresses! And then to get a hard wooden paddle laid across the bare bum! OWWWW!!! I love that last SMACK! with it across Panos’s bottom as he escapes from the scene of his punishment!

    It is, by the way, good to see that, for his first reappearance, Panos is laid over the knee to get smacked! As Tom of ‘Spanking Straight Boys’ observed some time ago, it is the best position for a spanking – and I can say that from the point-of-view of giver and one-time receiver!

    I always feel rather torn after I’ve seen a boy get his backside tanned or indeed I have myself laid on a smacking across a bad lad’s bum: part of me, that is logical and ruled by my head hopes that he has learned his lesson; the other part that is controlled by that other most compelling of male organs, hopes that it is not too long before he is naughty again, meriting further and more severe discipline! In Panos’s case, I know which direction my thoughts are tending in…

  2. Oh this is amazing what great content OMG fabulous. Well done Tony.