BBFC: Oliver, That’s a No!

BBFC: Oliver, That’s a No!

Thinking he can act the fool and go to a party Oliver is overstepping the mark. He seems to think that larking around will calm Teodor and make it easy to go out, wrong on so many levels.



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It might be Christmas but that is no reason to start to ignore the rules and there’s only one way to deal with it. Bending the lad over the table Teodor gives him a well deserved spanking. No matter the moans and protests the rules have to be enforced and there is no better way.



Oliver might just be rethinking his need to go out and party the night away but Teodor keeps on spanking him to make sure. Looking at the way the lad leaves, with his hat planted roughly on his head I dont think there’s any doubt he is not going out.








2 Responses to BBFC: Oliver, That’s a No!

  1. There’s just something SO boner-making about the way young Oliver bends over, his trunk at an almost perfect rightangle to his legs! If a boy isn’t being laid over the knee to be smacked this is a beautiful position and aesthetically most pleasing in the way it displays the curves of a lad’s pert buttocks!

    One of my favourite features of this clip is Oliver’s boxer-briefs, which could have been designed to be worn as punishment underpants! One of my most beloved spankingwear colours and just exactly the right length to frame the boy’s bottom for discipline!

    The spanking is obviously hurting, as indeed it should – there’s no point in smacking if it doesn’t leave a lad smarting hotly behind! I am pleased to see that Theodor, as well as spicing up the punishment with ear-pulling, doesn’t tolerate Oliver trying to rub his bottom. A boy should absolutely not be allowed to administer any comfort to himself during a spanking! It is seriously bad for discipline if he is so permitted – and defeats the whole purpose of a good hiding!

    There is a marked adjustment in Oliver’s manner when Dimitri finally lets him straighten up and pull up his briefs and trousers! And who says spanking doesn’t work…

  2. What a perfect title for this little gem