BBFC: No Luck For Dominic

BBFC: No Luck For Dominic

It seems that there is no way that Dominic can master the art of cleaning a kitchen. He tries but has not luck at all.


Dimitri has seen his efforts and is not happy with the result.


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He calls the lad over and bends him over the table and sets about a lesson is cleanliness. Working his way from trousers to underwear Dimitri gives a thorough spanking to Dominic.








The bare ass spanking, which is of course what he needs most, is enough to get the message across that he has to try harder when he is doing the chores .




2 Responses to BBFC: No Luck For Dominic

  1. No luck for Dominic…but LOTS of luck for us, his fans! Of which I imagine there is a goodly number!

    Having not seen a great deal of young Dominic for a while, it is great to see him well and truly back on the scene and getting his bottom smacked so frequently! And with Dimitri’s severe approach to discipline and his hard hand behind the smackings, it is a wonder that the boy isn’t developing a permanent limp!

    I love to see Dominic being spanked over the knee as it makes him look at his most boyish, but he also looks magnificent bent over the table in those close-fitting black trousers, all the more so because he seems to have taken on board the fact that his pert, perky little bottom looks so much more spankable when his trousers are properly pulled up rather than sagging halfway down his backside as we’ve seen in the past. Apart from giving the observer the undoubted pleasure of seeing what colour underpants a lad is wearing, sagging is a singularly unattractive thing in any boy – happily one that seems to be dying a death!

    When Dominic’s trousers come down, it’s just a wonderful laugh to see another pair of those ‘Rounderbum’ boxer-briefs! What an appropriate designer slogan for a pair of spankingwwear! A lovely bright colour into the bargain and the perfect length for punishment underpants, which ideally should be short and tight as well as coloured – this particular selection from Dominic’s pants-drawer ticks every one of my boxes!

    As a top, Dimitri is a brilliant find! Stern and unyielding, he very clearly knows when a naughty boy like our Dominic needs disciplining, and he sets about the task mercilessly and with vigour. I don’t think that I’d have wanted to be laid over his knee at Dominic’s age! Two things I would love to see – one I have requested in the past which is to see Dominic be given the cane across his bottom (and I think it would do him good to experience its STING!!!) and also to see him laid across Dimitri’s knee in his pink-and-navy striped boxer-briefs! Dare I hope?

    I still marvel at how a lad can take a spanking like young Dominic does in this clip, trousers down, bare-bottomed and all, without getting as erect as the Leaning Tower of Pisa! Thinking back to the many times I was physically disciplined in my younger days, the BBFC boys (with the obvious exception of Philip) and for that matter the Stinglads certainly have the edge on me there!

  2. Yes there is a godly number and some would be wise to recognise that!!