BBFC: Matyas Caught In The Act

BBFC: Matyas Caught In The Act

After his afternoon nap Matyas wakes up feeling horny, so as lads do rather than just get on with dressing and going about his chores he decides to play with himself.

These lads have no patience and always act on impulse and then they wonder why they find themselves getting their rear ends tanned.


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So when Teodor catches Matyas its no surprise that he grabs the lad and bends him over the end of the bed and lays into him with a heavy handed spanking.*

Theres no let up in the session and by the end Teodor has spanked the stiffness out of the horny lad. Matyas might realise now that it might have been better and less painful to wait until later.



One Response to BBFC: Matyas Caught In The Act

  1. Avatar Fastifex
    Fastifex says:

    Matyas can’t believe it happened again, here and now! Yesterday, Teodor insisted to treat him for his 21st birthday (ending minority at home), like none before: even Matthew never was offered to spend a night in the masters’ guest room after ‘sampling’ several bottles from Sir’s selection for one of his regiment’s grand centennial dinners. Alas, Matyas never handles liquor well, so he wisely abstained from drinking events (contributing to turning him into a campus nerd, as alcohol follows wherever the frat boys are) and stuck to juice at other parties, but(t) he couldn’t rudely refuse tasting senior Sir’s treasures, and veterans never go for ‘a sip’, glasses or cups are to be filled and emptied fully. So it was a miracle he got through the evening, undressed and into the luxury bed at all. Now he gets up with a huge hard-on and even huger hang-over, too drunk horny to remember he’s expected at Sir’s bedroom breakfast, so he tries preparing for tutoring duties PM by dumping toxic and other excess substances: triple loo use -mostly puking- and before a cold shower dealing with morning wood by spanking the monkey.
    Leaving the regular and extra duty knave standing to attention starkers holding up festive breakfast trays for two to serve in bed ceremonially, Sir chose to send over neither, but(t) checks on his delayed honorary guest in person, intending to playfully pull the puppy’s ear. Shocked to find the fine favourite and the state room in such a messy state, Sir grimly cancels the breakfast invitation and the plan to bond sirely hand-spanking the duty knaves jointly for fun before ordering the ‘hard-hung humblehound’ to clean the guest room, instead he’s going to spank ‘mister mess’ twice, right now as he is, and later, and after thoroughly cleaning and packing to move back to Matthew’s room, a frightfull flagellation to future furious flogger’s fancy. First thought was to eerily expose him at and after an exemplary endurance, but(t) after smelling the drunk puke, Sir guesses and checks what happened and decides to mercifully keep this lesson private, never to be mentioned again, nor forgotten, as a repeat would be extreme reoffending, requiring really-ruthless rods-repression.