BBFC: Dominic Over The Knee

BBFC: Dominic Over The Knee

Past deeds catch up with Dominic and he has to present himself for a spanking. He looks very guilty as he walks in and goes over the knee.




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His black jeans fit well but don’t show him off that well so they have to go after a warm up.








His underwear fits a lot better and his butt looks perfect in them, firm and spankable. He gets a really good set before he has to drop them and reveal his smooth little ass.


He seems to have that little trick of Ricky’s of trying to look round and see what’s happening at the other end which is really cute, mind you he should know what’s happening to his butt.







The look on his face as he leaves the room is priceless, if he wasn’t so guilty you might feel sorry for him.


One Response to BBFC: Dominic Over The Knee

  1. Well, what a start to my week this truly was! What better beginning could you have to Monday to turn on your computer and watch one of Tony’s delightful little ‘family’ of naughty boys getting his bottom soundly smacked?! And I just can’t get enough of seeing young Dominic getting spanked across his perky little bum!!

    This clip is a majorly boner-making turn-on in so many ways! For a start, the tight black trousers and singlet are a winning combination for me. Sometimes when I am giving a boy’s back a whipping, I make him wear a figure-hugging singlet, not for protection but because it emphasises the whippable lines of his back and becomes like a pair of punishment underpants, worn when a lad is getting a smacked bottom. Dominic is a little bit of a sagger, so when Tony lays him over his knee at just the perfect angle for discipline, we can see the waistband of his underpants throughout the over-jeans part of the spanking – MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! I love the way he clearly shows a moment’s reluctance to take his trousers down, followed by the delicious air of resignation as he no doubt realises that if he doesn’t take them down, he’ll get them taken down for him. I experienced all those feelings myself at his age when I was going to get smacked on my underpants, so I identify with him readily. This sequence of Dominic’s punishment is always my favourite part of any spanking and while we already could see what colour underpants he had on, it was just the cat’s ass to see that he was wearing briefs! OYGSH!* He usually has boxer-briefs on, which he looks great in, but briefs for me are the optimum style of spankingwear – not just for how cheekily they frame a boy’s bottom for punishment, but because of how vulnerable and unprotected they leave him feeling when he is about to be disciplined! So my naughty boys tell me at any rate – having always been smacked in briefs as a youngster, I can’t make expert comparisons. Dominic made a great selection out of his pants-drawer for this clip! It is obviously a well-stocked one and so far we haven’t seen any sign that it contains any white boner-killers – if it does, I hope he leaves them well and truly inside there where they belong!

    I think this is the most intense spanking I have seen Tony giving Dominic and certainly the one to which he reacts most vocally. As we move into the smacking-on-underpants sequence of the clip the smacking and Dominic’s reactions seem to intensify. The involuntary trembling in his legs show that the spanking is getting to work on those nerve-endings with which the buttocks are packed and which make them the perfect portion of the anatomy for discipline (leaving aside the links to the libido!). Guilty or not, I couldn’t help starting to think “Poor little lad!” There is something about Dominic’s distressed response to his punishment that brings out all that is most fatherly in me. Just ask my boys – they get their bottoms smacked very hard and I do not show mercy while I am administering corporal punishment. But they will tell you that, for all I lay on good and heavy, I am really an old softie and they know I just want the best for them. That’s why they get spanked – not for my gratification (and if you believe that, you probably believe in the Tooth Fairy…)

    I really did think there’d be a few tears this time – I think Dominic was pretty close to it at one point. I think we could have forgiven him. In fact I think that, after a smacked bottom like that, we would have to forgive the poor lad anything LOL!!!

    Vital statistics
    412 smacks over jeans!
    352 smacks on his underpants!
    464 smacks on the bare bottom!
    TOTAL 1,228 smacks!

    *OYGSH! O ye gods of Spankers’ Heaven!