BBFC: Dominic Kitchen

BBFC: Dominic Kitchen

In trouble again Dominic is led into the kitchen and made to bend over the counter. *


The ping pong bat is brought out of a drawer and applied to the wayward lads rear end. The look on his face is priceless, and the sneaky glance back tells you he regrets everything.


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Dominic has a super butt in jeans for sure but when they are taken down he looks even better in tight underwear. Bending over the counter keeps him in just the right place for the paddling.


He drops his underwear and looking very down hearted gets a bare ass paddling. I am sure he will be back as he cannot keep out of trouble. 




2 Responses to BBFC: Dominic Kitchen

  1. Dear, oh dear! I defy the most strict disciplinarian (and I am an extremely strict one!) to watch young Dominic getting this spanking without his reactions to it tearing at your heartstrings! Poor little lad! I thought, as I watched his cheeky face crumple with pain and shame! Mind you, it’s clear he needs disciplining and it’s more than clear that this punishment was having the effect it was supposed to be having! If a boy doesn’t look pained and ashamed when he’s getting his bottom smacked, then the spanker isn’t doing his job properly – though I don’t think that’s an accusation you could ever level at a BBFC top!

    It’s obvious from Dominic’s face the moment he bends over the kitchen-counter that he knows he’s in for it big time! And in that, the erring youngster is not mistaken – this is a hard and thorough spanking and I know from personal painful experience just how much a ping-pong bat can truly sting! There is what looks like the beginnings of bruising on the right cheek of Dominic’s pert little bottom by the time his punishment is over, something that is going to keep him in mind of his punishment for a few days yet, I should think. I doubt he’ll be answering ‘Yes’ if he is asked that well-known hackneyed question from the radio, ‘Are you sitting comfortably?’ haha!

    I looked at the stills on here before going to the BBFC site to watch the whole spanking, so I had all the thrill of discovering what colour underpants Dominic was wearing when we got the first still of him having taken his trousers down (which he does with obvious delicious reluctance). Being able to see the waistband of his Calvins while he was getting smacked over his jeans was a delightful turn-on, though I was fearing that he might be wearing white boner-killers (which would be a first for him). The joy of finding my fears unfounded! And Calvin Klein seem to have the knack of making boxer-briefs of just exactly the right length and tightness to frame a boy’s bottom to absolute perfection for being spanked! As they do here! Just short of three hundred smacks, during which it looks as though the boy is fighting the tears back – as well, you might be, Dominic, my lad!

    The camera moves to some great angles – I particularly appreciate the shots from just behind and to Dominic’s left tat show off the pert curves of his cheeky bottom at their most smackably rounded. This for me is the optimum angle from which to view a smacking on progress. As those who are familiar with my preferences know, I love to see a boy laid over the knee, but Tony’s counter is at just exactly the right height to bend Dominic over it into a beautifully favourable posture for smacking! I hope we see some of Tony’s other naughty boys bent over it for a good tanning!

    In the meantime, Dominic could probably usefully apply some arnica cream to that cheeky little bum of his – its wonderfully effective for easing bruises! It won’t do much or the lad’s bruised ego, though, haha!

  2. NOTE: A video preview trailer has been added to this posting, it was missed of this morning