BBFC: Christmas for Fabian

BBFC: Christmas for Fabian

Fabian has messed up at Christmas, and he tries to sneak back into the house to avoid being caught.


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But lads never learn that they do not get away with anything, and it’s no wonder he finds himself ass up getting a seasonal spanking. Over the arm of the couch, he has no way to escape what’s coming to him. *

A great spanking for this new lad and a debut for him to remember. Looks like Fabian will be spending Christmas sleeping on his tummy.



One Response to BBFC: Christmas for Fabian

  1. Fabian is one of those knaves who benefit greatly from a firm ‘fatherly’ hand where it does the most good: regularly applied to his bare brat-bottom. So his dutifully-derriere-discipline-devoted daddy dearly dispenses daily doleful ‘due deserts’ dacks-down, taking the time and trouble to keep the naturally-naughty, nasty-naked-nates-nurture-needy knave nicely in line on a short leash by tireless trouserless-tail-tender-tanning whenever he may need (also in case of doubt, which his male kinsmen seem painfully prone to) another lesson or rather rigid rules-reminder to keep his grades and attitude up or it’s bound to be his AAs-absent adolescent arse agonized abundantly to adjust an abominable asine attitude.
    As a well-deserved reward for Fabian’s best-ever report card, he is exempted from the annual Christmas ‘holiday in hell’ week -when daddy must always make a business trip- at grim grandpa’s, where the disciplinary regime for him and his cousins is way worse, ‘warmy welcomed’ with a wicked whipping lined-up all-on-ankles as warmup for the apt and ample application of the ancestral azote to their abject arses about all the time, non-stop chores where always at least one underachieving ‘lazy lout’ is picked for pitiless posterior punishment to ‘prod puerile peers to proper performances’, by definition never good enough for all. The gruesome globes-grillings of the ‘grand gringe’ have the added advantage of making the bare-bottom-brutally-bountiful-buckskin-&birch-blistered boys genuinely grateful to return under the paternal rods, where it is possible to be able to sit comfortably after being on best behavior long enough.
    Elated to escape endless eerily-exposed endurance at grandpa’s always-azote-wielding hand, he failed to check the actual terms in his haste to find at short notice a mate’s ‘soundly spanking’ father who would take him in for the holiday instead, as daddy only entrusts his humble-hound heir in the corporally-correcting care of a man with a proven firm hand, like a tutor’s two- or three-tail tawse. A classmate who never was an actual buddy, but also got great grades, was suspiciously eager to offer his home, so a contract of loco parentis authority transfer was signed between their fathers as the boys begged them on naked knees.
    Only on arrival, Fabian learned he had asked and ‘volunteered’ to do all chores which normally keep his classmate beyond-busy backbroken all holiday, but(t) also busily-bare-brat-butt-beaten black and blue under the lavishly-landing leather lash, so the smart-alec snake could go out partying for the first time, leaving Fabian instead to work his teen tail off and have it tanned to true tears trousers-down time and time again, his horribly-harsh hard-handed-handling host being a pitiless perfectionist in both what he demands from knaves and how hard he hits their helplessly-heightned hurdies for the feintest flaw fatally followed by full-force frockless-fanny-flogging, as gruesome as he gets from grandpa, and alas more often as there are no other knaves around to ‘share’ the spankings.
    As if that weren’t hell-hot horror enough on his humble hide, his horrendous host also, as alumnus, invites another Senior each day from his former frat to teach thoroughly how to spank pledges, providing his frat-paddle and the poor puppy’s progressively pantsed, pink-to-profound- pain-purple-painted posterior for plenty of paddle-pounding-procedure-practice to pitiless perfection, so the lad must finish all chores even earlier and gets to bed late and exhaustingly excruciated all over from endless eerily-exposed-endurance-exercices.