Gloriously Glowing Rosy Red Buns – Spanking Toons by Mark (Part 1 of 4)

I am delighted to announce we can enjoy the early days of summer with a great new series of Spanking Toons by Mark

Coach Offers Post Game Guidance (Based on the original by Albron(1))

Coach’s Chastisement


Click on the Continue Reading Tab below to see more Spanking Toons



Not This Man’s Best Friend (Based on the original by David Talaski)

Beach Bad News (Based on the original by Serenenight1)

Underage Drinking

Wild and Woolly (Based on the original by Caducado)

Spank C3a


Meanwhile, you can enjoy more of Mark’s fantasy art Here

3 Responses to Gloriously Glowing Rosy Red Buns – Spanking Toons by Mark (Part 1 of 4)

  1. Avatar Fastifex
    Fastifex says:

    It seems there is some mix-up in posting
    as this is to be part 1 of 4 (four cheers or Mark!),
    yet the vignet says Part Two,
    so what about the first ?