BBFC: Stepan OTK

BBFC: Stepan OTK

A requested clip to see Stepan OTK. But with a difference as he gets a good old fashioned hand spanking to start things off then Dimitri switches over to the ping pong bat to finish things off.


The shorts Stepan is wearing show off his butt well and its no wonder Dimitri goes in hard with the hand first before changing to the bat.



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But once the lads shorts are down his butt takes on a completely different look as he is wearing really tight boxers that make him look like a spankers dream come true.






A good paddling on those and then a bare ass finale for this super spankable lad, he has quite a fan club already and quite a few requests. A great request clip .



One Response to BBFC: Stepan OTK

  1. OW! OWW!! WOW!!! I don’t know about the rest of you, but this is definitely the one I’ve been waiting for! Young Stepan LAID OVER THE KNEE!

    If I’d thought that Stepan couldn’t get any more spankable, in the words of W.H.Auden, ‘I was wrong’! Had I believed that there was no higher realm of Spankers’ Heaven to which I could be transported, I was even more mistaken. What can I say but a resounding PHWOOOAAAARRR!!!

    The skinny jean shorts, close-fitting and smooth as a baby’s bottom, are the perfect basis for a spanking ensemble and one can’t help wondering if the little monkey wore them on purpose! If so, his choice is impeccable – if not, it shows how spankability is somehow hardwired into his consciousness, which makes one wonder about his disciplinary history, that he can somehow naturally dress so smackably! Often I find that boys who are very aware of being very spankable have somehow had that awareness dinned into them by a history of corporal punishment, where they have grown up being well and truly spanked whenever they have been naughty!

    When, after nearly two hundred smacks, the jeans come down, like BBFC observe, a spanker’s dream come true is revealed! Those boxer-briefs are the most (Spankers’) Heavenly shade of blue and the absolute optimum length to frame Stepan’s bottom for a good smacking! They cause him to just shriek aloud,’SPANK ME!’as indeed his moulded-by-the gods, prominent bottom cries out for a hiding – could indeed have been designed to be worn as spankingwear! The accompanying grimaces as Stepan, now even more well-bent over, is thoroughly smacked and has his ear unceremoniously pulled show that Dimitri doesn’t half know what he’s doing when it comes to disciplining naughty boys! Small wonder that our lad tries (without, I’m glad to see, any success whatever) to protect those pert buttocks as Dimitri starts to take his pants down for the final phase of Stepan’s no-doubt well-deserved punishment! I would almost certainly have been trying to do the same!

    Once again, as Stepan is finally allowed to straighten up and stagger away with one last SMACK! of dismissal across his very bare, pink, smarting bottom, I marvel that any young lad could take having his hindquarters laid into like Stepan has just had, without his cock standing on end like the Eiffel Tower! I don’t know if that shows restraint or simply that not all young lads are turned on by a smacked bottom! I’ve yet to meet one, gay or straight, who wasn’t, but then we’re all constituted differently and it would be a boring world where we weren’t!

    There are those who believe that spanking is a deterrent to naughtiness. While I have always been a devout believer in corporal punishment, I have always been cynical about its deterrent value – if it did deter boys from being naughty, none of them would be, and those of us who are convinced spankers would miss out considerably, would we not?! What a good job there are these delightful young lads who need to be brought back for discipline again and again!