Wine Whipping – At Bottom Line

Rent Day: Wine Whipping

Hector has just concluded a house inspection when he finds a bottle of wine hidden behind some potato chips. After getting no satisfactory answers from the trio he decides to give an on the spot penalty for this rental lease violation.


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Rent Day: Wine whipping


Title 2257


One Response to Wine Whipping – At Bottom Line

  1. Avatar Fastifex
    Fastifex says:

    Aiden can’t believe how stupidly roommate Max ignored his sage instructions not to bring alcohol until the holidays, when his grandfather-patriarch will happily host their whole student mates gang for a Summer of fully-paid fun and plenty of parties as grand graduation present, being the presumed future heir to the family firm.
    Neither knave minds dropping trou for another spanking on the bare, that’s daily life for Confucian-raised kids, at home as on campus, countless rigid rules and respect-requirements causing copious CP-counts from educators, tutors, visiting kin, legacy frat …, crimson-castigated cur-cones kind of feel like their ‘natural’ squirt state, sitting completely-comfortably as a rare, almost forbidden treat.
    No, never mind this self-styled ‘strict Sir’ stripping and spoon-paddling them, it seems sissy spanking, second-rate to savagely-scorching sino-severity, too ‘timid’ to terrorize their time-and-time-thornily-tender-tanned-twen-tails, their male kin call that merely a mild warning, they call themselves lucky when spanked without avidly and amply applying any awfully-ass-arse-agonizing ancestral attribute.
    Max’s monumental mistake is making the measly man mention the “mediocre mutts’ morally-miserable misbehaviour” to a mean mate in the alumni committee advising and co-funding the Greek Council, which demands them dealt with exemplarily, expecting eerily-exposed-endurance, in ‘frat honour court’, which rules at pain of pernicious public protest to their graduation, they must move all summer not home, but boarding in a frat-house, acting as interim for the new rookies to do all chores subject to CP and as ‘voluntary test subjects’ for painstaking ‘pantless penitent pledge posterior pink to pain-purple pounding punitive procedure practice’, a program for new Seniors stepping up to big-brother-status to learn long lessons on lecturing and lava-lividly lashing lewd-lowly-lout-lower-limbs-limp-licking-loads by exemplary example and endlessly-elders-enjoyed experimenting exerting eerily-exposed-endurance at the extended expense of the evidently-embarrassed ‘example-props’. So the summer of their dreams is sternly spoiled, sadly substituted by a steady state of shame and sound staged spanking sessions for Seniors to study spanking subject squirts into superior submission, all over again.