Two Strapped – At Bottom Line (+ Spanking Day Sale)

Trespassers: Two Strapped

BLS is celebrating International Spanking Day (August 8th or “8-8”) with a 33% discount on 3, 6 and 12 month BLS subscriptions. Sale begins now and ends August 22nd.

Aiden and Max have been caught trespassing at a military installation by fresh academy graduate Lieutenant Luke Lin. Luke decides to punish the two intruders in the academy way: stripped naked and spanked with a leather strap.


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Trespassers: Two Strapped


Title 2257


One Response to Two Strapped – At Bottom Line (+ Spanking Day Sale)

  1. Lieutenant Luke ‘Lieut Lash’ Liu may be the bloody base’s, if not the fucking Formosan fleet’s, best and most frustrated expert on CP, being raised Confusian-style in a merciless military family, where he, brothers and cousins were so frequently frockless-fanny-flogged for foppish faults and flaws by father and further male kin, all knaves attending all-on-ankles, that the first fledgling to walk off often fell-over, forgetting to pull up his (under)pants, a garment that seemed destined domestically to drop deep for doleful ‘daily’ divested-derriere-discipline, as they were kept commando at home, weather-permitting shirtless and barefoot too, swiftly stripping bare-balls whenever an ear-bashing or kick in the butt without worse-spelling orders (like fetching an implement) signalled an educating elder (including nearly all male visitors, often dropping by for no other apparent purpose) gracefully ‘allowed you over the knee’, for all around to see (but(t) without general spankable squirts appel) harsh hand-spanking hashing-up the hotly-hided-hurdies-hurt, which was any brat’s probable place unless on lined-up display hands-on-head in-between countless chores-lists, all rather likely to incur another flogging as soon as a strict Sir has rested his heavy hand enough to pick another spankee.
    Hence hell week felt like some short sissy vacation from his hard-hiding home, later Luke eagerly volunteered for all weekend – and holiday duties as soon as proudly promoted for straight-AAs to cadet room elder, eventually even cadet captain, the only honourable way to keep his at-home-absolutely-abject arse pristine-pink and his shivering cadet charges’ clothless cones crimson, clawing at countless cases to condemn contritely contorting cadet curs to copious corporal castigation. A crushing coup came when his confidence was crushed, claiming Liu’s first proper CO’s call for candidates as base bosun (in charge of discipline, including informal CP) only to be appointed to a dull desk job on account of being the only recruit with suitable clerical skills to deal with the admiral’s office.
    After endless-seeming secretarial service, so dull he listlessly longed for the lava-livid licks of the paternal lash at leave, looking-on lustily at least, one glorious birthday-spanking away from promoting his presently-pitiful ‘puerile’ person to putting puisne pups over his knee ad lib instead of suffering such supernumerary spankings from seniors, the ‘provocative Pelosi passage’ perversely proved the pervy painful-posterior-punishment-perfectionist’s perfect present. Reading the riot act turned literal at places of military interest in indefinite high-alert against PR Chinese threats, allowing any officer to impose draconic measures on citizens as suspected Beijing spies, spelling, if formally charged and probably sentenced in special military tribunal, long lock-ups, suspension of civic rights, general disgrace, job-loss … one could only truly escape by ‘voluntarily’ joining the forces for years.
    Liu had never minded that Aiden and Max, civilian screwups who dropped out from their town’s primary school before he graduated and joined the academy, come collect buckets of beached-up seafood from the base every Saturday, saving a customary (all parties lacking legal basis) quarter for the guard patrol and up the hierarchy (including Liu). Now at last, lucky-feeling Luke made sure to catch the curs, first on camera, then in cuffs, to confront as criminal captives crushing consequences in his quarters. They can keep their civilian jobs and lowly lives while avoiding enlistment, if they take turns on odd (Aiden) viz. even (Max) days turning-up trembling to turn their trouserless tails to the thornily-traitor-tush-tanning ‘territorial terror-prevention training officer’ for a long lecture (on anything from the mile of military manuals in his office) liberally livened by loads of licks landing on their lewd-lowly-lout-lower-limbs, till an actual invasion or inter-Chinese peace-deal change everything for Taiwan, if ever probably the first, turning them all into drones longing for these good old days when CP doesn’t stand for cursed-forever Communist Party, just cursed-customary Confucian practice of stripping and spanking as part of the proper price for precious patriotism.