The full sized versions of Mark’s Recreations of the Work of Celebrated Spanking Artists (Part 1 of 2)

The full sized versions of Mark’s Recreations of the Work of Celebrated Spanking Artists (Part 1 of 2)

Following the praise Mark received last week for his brilliant recreations of the work of various iconic spanking artists, here is the first set of full sized versions of the images Mark created.

You can see the works he was recreating here

Mark’s recreation of Jonathan’s art



Click Here or on the Continue Reading tab below to see more pictures


C of Sweden




Ken Beverley

Part 2 will be posted tomorrow

You can enjoy more of Mark’s fantasy art Here

2 Responses to The full sized versions of Mark’s Recreations of the Work of Celebrated Spanking Artists (Part 1 of 2)

  1. Mark has done an incredible job with these re-creations. Most of my friends know that I am obsessed with details, and Mark has gone much further than just making similar illustrations, but he captures every single nuance. It must have taking an inconceivable amount of time and I would like to thank him for sharing these with the group.


  2. Copper, thank you so much for the high praise. Coming from you it means a great deal. I doubt you remember it but you illustrated a story I submitted to Red Tails magazine many years ago (2001 to be exact). It was called Speed Trap and was about three young men in a red mustang who were stopped for speeding and payed a painful price. I was so excited to see that. I, like you, am very detail oriented and it’s gratifying to see that effort recognized. Once again thanks for the praise and I hope my further efforts don’t disappoint.