The 2018 release Angry Step Dads Now and Then Again, starring Robin Palmer and Axel Green has beeb re-released. CLICK HERE to view details at the feel the Sting Blog
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Sting: The Museum 2 (Part 2 of 2) plus video preview
Preview Video
After their birching, the young intruders go over the Museum Guard’s knee for a good old fashioned spanking. First on their underwear, then bare bottom.
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Sting: The Museum 2 (Part 1 of 2)
It seems the local lads can’t keep out of the museum, their curiosity getting the worst of them. It’s unfortunate for them that the eagle eyed security guard (Marco) is always on the watch and never misses a trick.
This time its two well known wayward lads, Axel Green and Robin Palmer. Their unauthorised entry has been detected and the guard tracks them down to the same exhibits as before.
These particular pieces are all related to judicial and scholarly discipline devices from days gone by. The security guard has always been fascinated by this part of the museum and now seizes the chance yet again to try out some of the instruments, and catching these two young intruders gives him the perfect opportunity.
Bad news for these two of course who will unwillingly get to feel what it was like for all those other recalcitrant lads who needed to be straightened out. A flogging and a good bare bottom to follow is now the order of the day.
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Sting: Banged Up My Borstal Days 2 – Gallery
Banged Up My Borstal Days 2 -The Movie – Gallery
Here is a Galley of Extra Large High Quality Images from “Banged Up My Borstal Days 2 -The Movie” for you to download and keep
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Sting Special Price Sex and Spanking Classic “Banged Up 2 – THE SEX FILES”
Also on Special Price, and released together with Banged Up My Borstal Days 2 The Movie, is the follow up video The Sex Files dealing with what the naughty boys get up to after their punishment
Click Here to view pictures and details at the new Feel The Sting Blog
WARNING: This video features heavy sexual content
Sting: Robin Palmer in “With Respect Sir”
Robin’s gone and done it again, got himself in to trouble with his Housemaster (Marco) He’s cheeky at the best of times but now an exasperated English lecturer had sent him to the boss, having had quite enough of young Mr Palmer’s attitude.
He’s foolish enough to try to continue with his cheek but this time he’s performing in the wrong place.
Of course, he soon finds himself where he deserves to be, over the Housemaster’s knee
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Sting: Video Preview for “The Museum”
Here is the video Preview for
starring Jaydee Black and Marco
CLICK HERE to view The pictures and Storyline
The video preview can also be viewed at Spanking Tube.
The Museum – in 1080p Extra High Definition
The Museum – in Standard Definition
Sting: The Museum
Visiting your local museum can be fun but for one young lad, who wanted to get in the backdoor for free, there were more than a few surprises in store.
Jaydee had managed to find a way in through a hole where workmen were preparing a new trade entrance door. It led him to the area reserved for historic punishment instruments and equipment from yesteryear. As he was been watched all the time by the security guard (Marco) it was probably the worst area he could have ended up in. The guard had long wondered how some of the instruments were put to use and now he was going to get a chance to find out!
Jaydee on being caught red handed could either choose to have the Police called or submit to trying out the old birching pony, followed of course with a good bare bottom spanking for breaking in to the museum after hours. He wasn’t long in making up his mind.
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Sting: The Naughty List (Part 2 of 2) Plus Video Preview
Scene two
In scene two we meet the second naughty boy on the naughty list, David (Played by Richard Hicks) The expression on his face shows he knows what’s coming
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Sting: The Naughty List ( Part 1 of 2)
Christmas is over but there are some stories to tell. Some young lads were not so well behaved as they might have been. In Europe of course there is Krampus the mythical demon who’s job it is to punish baldly behaved boys in contrast say to St Nicolas who hands out gifts for the well behaved. Krampus usually carries a birch to deal with the miscreants refereed to him. In the world of Sting the role of Krampus is taken over ably by Marco and Rich, it keeps them busy during Yuletide if nothing else.
Two lads, Charlie (Even Novak) and David (Richard Hicks) both get themselves in to trouble only to find there is a price to pay for misbehaving. The lads soon find that their actions have bought them a stinging session of discipline! One with the carpet slipper and a good bare bottom spanking and the other with a scorching spanking session in two different positions. Its not all bad news though, as its Christmas there has to be happy if not rather sore ending.
In the first scene of two we follow the misfortunes of the first lad, Charlie
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