Strict Brother Spanking

A tattooed blond hunk gets his behind well and truly “whupped” by Strict Brother in a video from Strict Brother Spanking

I don’t know much about this site, I have not yet joined, however, it certainly looks worth considering. The bad boys all appear handsome and, from what I have seen Strict Brother gives them a long hard and convincing spanking.

If anyone has joined and is able to give us a review, that would be appreciated.

There is a link at the bottom of this posting



4 Responses to Strict Brother Spanking

  1. Review of BBSpanking:
    It’s an intense and for myself a brutal experience, these guys take it hard and roughw with various implements.

    Though i’m not really into such hard stuff some will undoubtedly love it.

    3/5 stars from me.

    • Avatar Anonymous
      Anonymous says:

      Jimbar –let me tell you that a spanking and or a whipping isn’t suppose to some one playing nice It’s meant to be something that onevrembers

  2. Russians are really rough on the well rounded rumps of their wayward. Their big bare. beautiful buttocks are brutally beaten to better behavior.
    Does such spanking succeed?

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Jimbar –It makes little difference when it comes to the wayward .If they earn it they get iit All Ass is beaten Bare and it is meant to be part of correction for inappropriate behavior .I believe you should review your words as it applies to brutally beaten In regard to whether spanking or whipping works that depends but can tell you this after one encounter with a spanking no one is to anxious to try it again .You should be aware of the fact is when one gets a Spanking in addition to being on theBare most of time a instrument is used in the spanking This instrument generally used is aStrap -paddle and sometimes Hand spanking .all of these instruments due great work and the result is always a well marked Hiney without doubt