Sting: TS Morsus – Before the Mast Part 2 – scenes two and three

More images from Sting’s latest release TS Morsus Before the Mast  

Next in line is Leading Boy Seaman Miller (Rudi Vallance) up before the captain for fighting with local youths in the town. As he was in uniform a very dim view is taken of such behaviour. This time the Captain will deal with it directly assisted by the lads Divisional Officer.


Now changed in to gym kit the young trainee seaman embarrassingly finds himself over the knee of his Captain, for a firm spanking.

 Even more embarrassing when his tight white briefs come down and the spanking continues on his bare bottom.


This he takes with the firm shapely round curves of his bare buttocks glowing redder with each slap.


However it’s not over, the captain has left and Miller’s Divisional Officer (Marco) now has his favourite punishment instrument in hand. Face down on a bench, bare bottom raised high, the lethal leather riding crop cracks home on to Millers backside. Discipline is being administered and it’s off the record, better this than a problem later on.


The boy Seaman PTI (Simon Lee) might be able to lay it on but now he too finds himself up before the Captain on a charge. He’s been drunk and disorderly. This is not the first time and the Captain has had enough! He is ordered to be punished with corporal punishment.


In the backroom of the gym the gym horse has been raised up old style to resemble a canon. For this repeated offence the young boy seaman will kiss the gunners daughter but not before a good hard spanking is laid on to his bare bottom.


His bottom, now already stinging and raw from the spanking is now a venerable target as he lays face down on the vaulting horse. Behind him stands the Captain holding a boys pussy (the naval term given to a cat for boys but with six tails of leather)


As its thwips through the air cutting sharply in to the lads bare bottom thoughts of being sober in future rush through his mind as does the pain from this historic and formidable instrument!


Note: The cat used in the film is an original antique purchased by Sting. We are told It was used before in an East European boys reformatory years ago.
Running Time 00:29:07
Links provided out of respect for Sting’s intellectual ownership


2 Responses to Sting: TS Morsus – Before the Mast Part 2 – scenes two and three

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Wish we could get separate scenes as out of this new clips I only like Rudi. Stings models where much fitter back in 10-11. No offence intended. 🙂

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    The cat of nine tails scene in this was great. I’ve never seen one used in a spank film before. As usual Sting detail was like no other and my current favourite Nicholas was back OTK. Awesome!!