Sting: TS Morsus – Before the Mast Part 2 – scene one

As we have seen before the captain at T.S Morsus runs a tight ship. The discipline in this training establishment is strictly maintained! Many of the boy seamen who end up on a charge will opt for an off the record punishment rather than let it stain their overall report prior to senior service.

So it is that Boy Seaman Thompson (new Stinglad Mike Dean) and Boy Seaman Cameron (Nicholas Salter) find themselves up before the Captain for being absent without leave. 
The Captain orders them to report to their Divisional Junior PTI. 

This Senior Boy Seaman PTI wastes no time in delivering a sound burning spanking to both of them followed by an over the vaulting horse session with an India rubber gym shoe.

Both boys’ bare backsides are blazing at the end and they are dismissed back to duty, no doubt anxious to avoid such a collision in the future!

To be continued……
Coming tomorrow

 Two more young naval recruit experience some stinging bare bottom discipline

Running Time 00:29:07
Links provided out of respect for Sting’s intellectual ownership

2 Responses to Sting: TS Morsus – Before the Mast Part 2 – scene one

  1. I have just watched this, and I have to say it is incredible. The film quality, CGI and attention to detail is second to none. Nobody comes close to sting. It is also very sexy!

    I really do not understand how Sting can make such high quality movies in such a short space of time.

    Highly recommended!

  2. I agree with Bruce. And I must voice my enthusiasm for the new lad, Mike Dean.