One Response to Sting: Trouble for Luke

  1. Since making his debut appearance on our computer screens, the sight of this drop-dead gorgeous young lad (sorry, Marco, it’s Finn I’m talking about) getting his phenomenally pert bottom smacked has never failed to thrill and delight me, as I know is true with others who comment here!

    This video pretty much ticks all the Doc’s boxes! As Marco sits down, young Finn knows exactly what he is in for! He’s going to be laid over the for a good hard spanking, and I’m told that a smacking from Marco is something the Stinglads have a particular dread of! And doesn’t he just look so utterly uberspankable laying across Marco’s knee in those well-worn jeans! Next to black trousers and short shorts, blue jeans are the best type of trousers in which a boy can be dressed for discipline!

    We get a glimpse of waistband as the boy lays over the knee, showing a hint of black underpants – the best way to find out what colour underpants a boy is wearing, with his waistband showing above the taut curves of his buttocks as he bends over! With my particular interests, one of the joys of seeing Finn getting his bottom smacked is that he is a committed wearer of coloured underpants and also always seems to have a good, tight, short and clingy pair of boxer briefs on to enhance the cheeky curves of his bum for punishment! Today’s selection from his pants-drawer really is the cat’s ass! Brief and tight and black, one of my all-time favourite colours for spankingwear!
    The more I see of Finn, the more I think the cane needs to come out to his bottom! He is clearly a naughty boy and the biting STING! of a whippy, supple rattan rod across his backside would undoubtedly do him the world of good! What are the chances of seeing him in another naughty schoolboy scenario, Sting?!