Sting – Tales From the HeadMaster’s Study (Episode 4) – Forrester’s Affair

Staring Luke Radley, Damien Drake and Roland Karlin

A house prefect’s job is to maintain good order and discipline.

Forrester (Luke Radley) a newly made up senior does this job fairly well and had recently reported Beecham (Damien Drake) for misconduct. He was dealt with by the Headmaster in a very traditional manner by receiving the cane. His tight grey school trousers did nothing to keep out the biting sting of the swishy rattan cane. In turn Beecham had nothing to thank Forrester for, he wanted revenge – daggers were drawn! ………..

 Forrester had become quite a favourite with the head and his housemaster, as such, he was being asked to do their bidding more often. One such case was his being asked to discipline one unruly student by the name of Gerrard (Roland Karlin) This he did most firmly but found he will now have to swing the cane too…….

Practice may be needed but Gerrards red and well stripped bare backside was soon testament the Forrester’s right arm; proof that he’s be a fast learner when it comes to laying on discipline.

 As a prefect Forester wasn’t always a goody two shoes though and had taken to borrowing the school staff car for the odd run down town. 

Unlucily for Forester he was spotted by Beecham who was still sore from his encounter with the headmasters cane and keen to get his own back on the guy who caused it,so he was more than happy to see Forester out in the car when he clearly shouldn’t have been. A quickly scribbled note to the Head and he would have his revenge… 
 Forrester just didn’t have an answer for taking the car and the Head was furious, how could this boy betray his trust so. Forrester certainly didn’t want his parents informed so accepted his fate. The headmaster decided to turn the clock back to Forrester’s younger days and give him a good spanking. 

 This was pure humiliation for this strapping sixth former and the caning that followed on his scorched well spanked bare bottom stung like a vengeful wasp. He could give the cane, yes but feeling it cut in his thrust out, firm but now defenceless backside was too much to take. He howled, howled like a first year! Better think again before taking the car keys next time!!. 


Tales From the HeadMaster‘s Study (Episode 4) – Forrester’s Affair

There is a link ti the Sting Title 18.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog  

6 Responses to Sting – Tales From the HeadMaster’s Study (Episode 4) – Forrester’s Affair

  1. yummy damien drake

  2. Forrester has a very cute ass!

  3. i love luke!!!

  4. Avatar Clansmanchris
    Clansmanchris says:

    Me thinks young Forrester should not only be stripped of his prefect status but also his hideous long trousers and put back into short shorts immediately so we can all oogle over his lovely little leggies, and his thighs can/should also be soundly slapped, strapped and caned … just as my Housemaster of old would have done (in reality) to such a nortie, but pretty, sixth-former!


  6. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Le fesseur a d”aussi belles fesses que le fessé…
    Vidéo envoutante et remarquablement suggestive.
    Grand BRAVO à Sting , esthète et charmeur.
    Un Français très amateur