Sting: Preview Trailer for Approved Education 5 – The Red Book

Scroll down to view the preview trailer for  the recent Sting release “Approved Education Part 5 – the Red Book” staring Rudi Valance, Nicholas Salter, Jayce Martin and Jonathon
















Links provided out of respect for Sting’s Intellectual copyright 


Video Length 00:27:27

3 Responses to Sting: Preview Trailer for Approved Education 5 – The Red Book

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Sting’s preview trailers are better than most videos. Another HOT one

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Unfortunately Jonathon is doing a bit too much cutesy mugging and “acting.” Just keep it simple. (I prefer Xander and Rudi anyway – to each his own.)

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Hot as ever but personally I would love to see the lads back in white Y-fronts under their uniforms (not those white slips) – more realistic for me. Always love Sting though so keep up the excellent work.