Sting Members area – Dexter in Heidrick’s Hiccups

The latest update to the Sting Member’s area has regular discipline giver Dexter on the sore, bare bottomed end of a hard spanking and an even harder caning
As a younger member of the Physical Education staff PT Master Mr Hiedrick (Dexter) has already crossed swords with the Headmaster regarding his poor behaviour. This time he’s been caught drinking again. Not so bad in itself but he ended up drunk and his actions reported by a junior he had only disciplined himself the week before.


Instead of firing his younger members of staff the Headmaster has developed a discipline regime whereby they are punished in the manner of sixth formers.  This way they have an unblemished record and can keep their jobs…. 

 For a young man rather than a boy this also means they’ll get a good hard bare bottom spanking over the knee of the Head, usually followed by a dose of his well-oiled and very swishy rattan cane.


As he groans from the pounding palm scorching his athletically rounded bare bottom cheeks and yelps from the biting rattan cane Mr Hiedrick yet again evaluates his role. He really must be seen as a good example provider! Well we hope that’ll be the case but odds on there will probably be another Heidrick Hiccup sooner or later.
Links provided out of respect for sting’s intellectual ownership rights

7 Responses to Sting Members area – Dexter in Heidrick’s Hiccups

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Dexter is very sexy – great to see him get punished and I will deffo purchase that clip when it’s available. Would really like to see him stripped to his white Y-fronts in any future spanking scenes – well horny.

    Joe, London

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    There are buts and butts – but – this is one of the best and beautifully shot too. Well done Sting

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    How old is Dexter?

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    A wonderfully round,meaty bottom.Surely a headmasters dream:)

  5. I recall our school had a regular throughput of young student teachers on what we would now call ‘placement’. Some were not much older than the boys they took for PT. Most were addicted to the use of the slipper (gym shoe – plimsol) on the lads in their charge. Nice to think that they might just possibly have still been on the receiving end. LOL