Sting: Guest Director Series – “Gotta’ Get Paid” by Dr Skelpz

Gotta’ Get Paid” is the new Guest Director release from Sting. Staring Barry, David, Jay Faith, Alfie, Max, Tim and Damien

Its South side and Street wise with the latest video, directed by Dr. Skelpz- renowned for his close to the edge style productions set in South London ……


This story follows London dealer Barry, trying to recoup funds from his hapless band of villainous lads. 
First up is Tim who owes Barry big time. He certainly hasn’t got the answers his boss wants to hear. ‘Yer know I’m gonna slap your arse’, retorts an angry Barry. Tim can’t believe it as suddenly he’s over his dealer’s knee; the flat of his hand is raining down on Tim’s bare bottom.Not being one to do things by half Barry then whips off his trainer and continues to beat the pleading lad who is now bucking and squirming as the pliant rubber sole continuously connect with defenceless bare skin.


Next on his debtors list is David. He’s’ actually got the cash but has had to do some moonlighting to get it. To avoid Barry’s wrath he has visited a spanking client who in turn has really got his painful money’s worth. ‘Blimey I hope he don’t use the Belt!’, thinks David. Too late! Out it comes with the cane and several other implements of correction. David can only lament his fate but it’s the only way he’s quickly going to get his hands on some cash.

Alfie and Max are two more of the South Side team. For the bungling pair it’s time to call their boss to give him the bad news. They got busted and have lost Barry’s cash. Barry is not amused. ‘You gotta be taking the piss’, he says as off comes his Gucci belt and across poor young Alfie’s bare backside it goes! Young Max can only watch in horror as his buddies arse gets redder and redder from the onslaught. He knows he’s next and soon he too is over Barrie’s knee for a good spanking. Pleading doesn’t help as this teenage villain gets a dose of his boss’s stinging angry palm. News travels fast in the Hood and Barry picks up on some bad mouthing coming to his ears from another of his boys. 

Jay Faith thinks he can get away with shafting the boss but he’s sadly mistaken as Barry soon tracks him down and gives his a hiding he’ll remember for a long time. The raw and burning welts on his bare backside are raw statement to stepping out of line. Something he won’t do again in a hurry. Lastly on the list is Damien, one of Barry’s more trusted guys but he too has crossed the line once to often. Resigned to his fate he kneels in a chair, backside bared waiting the feel the merciless leather belt lash down on his vulnerable and very rounded rump

He doesn’t wait long and with the searing pain, like the others, knows that Barry’s always gotta get paid!

Gotta’ Get Paid

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8 Responses to Sting: Guest Director Series – “Gotta’ Get Paid” by Dr Skelpz

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Max and Alfie are soooo hot… But come on get the clothes off you cant see anything!! They should be naked and standing.

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Ok well I see the name Barry I was like get in then to see it wasn’t him being spanked I was like Shuutt tup get out

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Barry OTK that’s what we want mr skelpz

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Barry as a spanker is hot… however this video is so interesting because it depicts a young guy spanking another young.

  5. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    All good,
    but, ahem,Barry as spanker is great.
    David great as always
    and Jay Faith a welcome addition.

  6. It’s always a pleasure to see Barry spanked or spanking and he’s quite good–and sexy–in Gotta Get Paid. If he hasn’t done so already he should get his headshot and resume together. I think he could have a decent career as a character actor in film and television. David’s pert boy butt is rapidly morphing into succulent man ass; still shapely, still my favorite. Adorable Max was born to be spanked and looks completely at home across Barry’s lap. I’d really enjoy putting a stark naked Max over my own knee. I look forward to seeing his bratty butt receive more–and more vigorous–OTK spankings. The scene with Jay is brilliant. There’s so much raw, seat of the pants (if you will) improvisation going on that the scene seems realistic. Spanking cinema verite. Well done. Jay can act too, has a delicious, deserving ass and I’m curious to see what he could do in a different scenario where he is given a long patient spanking over an authority figure’s knee. Damion and Tim are lovely young men with lovely bottoms, Tim’s muscular buttocks are especially noteworthy. Both appear to be spanking novices and they’re reactions to punishment are delightful, Damion’s in particular. Not bad actors either. It’s great to see so many men of color in a spanking video. Refreshing. Thanks.

  7. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Are you serious how could Barry do tv after you do porn movies no one want to hire you. And you’ll find it hard to get into tv really tho some people are a little silly 🙂

  8. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Barry. Spanking other guys please. As hard as possible. Very fit and when he spanks Jay he’s agressive and harsh, love it. As for the clothing – I like to see a young guy punished in the clothes he’s wearing (save the bare-butt). MORE BARRY!