Sting: Bully Brother (part 1 of 2)

Bully Brother

Getting along with an older or younger brother can have it ups and downs. This is particularly true with one pair of lads, two brothers. The older one (Karl Frazer)is having a lot of trouble with the younger one (Dominic Black) One man though who’s had quite enough of both their antics is the College Principal (Marco)

It all comes to a head one day when the Principle catches the older brother bullying his younger sibling. Both boys are ordered to report to his office. It’s time to bring these two trouble makers into line.

The Principal comes down hard on bullying so the older boy can expect to leave the Principal’s office having had his bare bottom severely scorched.



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2 Responses to Sting: Bully Brother (part 1 of 2)

  1. Great Video, I want to watch more like this one.

  2. Avatar Michael
    Michael says:

    Dominik really puts on a good show in this one! I love it!