Sting: The Birching Table (Part 1 of 2)

The Birching Table


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The Birching table

This device for securing young delinquents for punishment originated in Scotland. Mainly used for birching, the tawse was also used as a punishment on this table. It is said by some who received it to be more dreaded. The last recorded judicial birching on the British mainland* was in Fort William in 1948.



Up before the Magistrate is George Andrews (Joshua Clark) His law breaking has finally earned him a dose of the birch.




To encourage him to keep his bottom raised, a ginger feague, inserted into Andrews’ most intimate area, intensifies the humiliation of the punishment





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Unfortunately his cheeky attitude has also come to the attention of the Magistrate and it is ordered he receive further punishment as that of a naughty boy! T




To a senior boy this, meaning a good spanking, after a stinging birching, will no doubt take him down a peg or two.





in Part 2 two another young miscreant will receive a figging and a birching.



Joshua Clark Plays George Andrews




The Birching Table in 1080p Extra High Definition


The Birching Table in Standard Definition


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Feel the Sting Blog

Title 2257


* Offshore, on the Isle of Man, judicial birching continued until the mid 1970’s