Sting – Banged Up! My Borstal Days II Now on DVD

Banged Up! My Borstal Days II is now available on DVD as well as the usual download

This feature length video is a 1 hour 42 minute long epic set in a Borstal reformatory for wayward young men and staring 17 Sting Lads including Darren, Matt Mills, Danny, Robbie, Jason Shaw, Damien Drake, David, James Bruce, Barry, Justin Kinsley, David, Dale Brady, Keith and George Baston (aka Brandon Junior)

Also staring Margusta, Dexter, Scott and Rusty together with various new sting disciplinarians

Preview trailer

One Response to Sting – Banged Up! My Borstal Days II Now on DVD

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I bought this DVD and after waiting nearly 7 days for it to arrive i have to say i like it very much. I dont like download videos because of where I am. very good movie i think thank you