Sting: Austin Feels The Sting

Austin Feels The Sting

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Another badly behaved lad is knocking on the Headmaster’s door. This time its Casey (Austin Cook) reported yet again for breaking the rules.  He saunters in with the usual attitude but today he’s going to regret it! He’s never had the cane before but now that is to change and he’s going to find out just how stingy this traditional rattan rod can be.

He’s quite shocked as the Headmaster whips it through the air and he hears the time honoured swish so many bad lads have heard before him. Now he must bend over and take its sting across his nicely rounded backside, first on his grey shorts …….


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…..then right down to his bare bottom.



After the cane a spanking is on the cards for sure.





Note to Austin fans: This really is the first time he has had the cane and he hates it. This is easy to see in his reactions, of course. He wanted to try and a salary upgrade helped of course but he’s now in no mood to get it again, if he can help it!




Austin Feels The Sting – in 1080p Extra High Definition


Austin Feels The Sting – in Standard Definition


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4 Responses to Sting: Austin Feels The Sting

  1. A delightful surprise…!
    I must say, I think it’s high time young Austin got the cane.

    Please tell him from me….he’s gorgeous.

  2. I think Austin really felt that! Rarely do we see such obviously genuine reactions and Austin must be congratulated for agreeing to do it. I would love to know what all of the comments being made were about but it is probably best not to know.
    I hope we see Austin getting the cane again; it was good viewing.
    Well done Austin and thank you .

  3. Oh, my ears and whiskers! O ye gods of Spankers’ Heaven! don’t know about any of young Austin’s other fans, but this truly is the one ‘ve been waiting for! This gorgeous, phenomenally-pert-bottomed young lad getting the cane!

    I take my hat off to the boy, since it’s clear that this is a real punishment for him! Yes, you can see how much he hates it and how much agony he’s gong through, poor little fellow! All credit to him for wanting to give it a go and if I may say so, I reckon he deserves a bit extra in his pocket for it! At his age I was very familiar indeed with the sting of the cane – the deep bite that seemed to go right through your lower regions and into your cock, the burning pain that built up to a hideous crescendo with each stroke across you r bottom and just made you want to scream in agony – as indeed some boys did!

    As ever, Austin looks great in shorts, navy-blue briefs (a favourite spankingwear colour for me) and then with his beautifully rounded bottom bared for the last and severest stage of the caning. And, of course, no Austin clip would be complete without him being laid over the knee to have his bottom smacked very hard with all Marco’s customary vigour, vim and skill!

    Well taken, Austin, my lad! I can’t say blame you for your reluctance to take another thrashing like that! A supple, whippy rattan rod is a very different matter from being disciplined with a hand across your bottom, however hard it is laid on! And that’s harsh and painful experience talking…!

  4. Please tighter skimpier shorts for the roaring 20s!