Sting – Army Cadet 3 – On a Fizzer


The latest download “Army Cadets Part 3 – On a Fizzer” 
stars Dale Brady, Jimmy Evans, Rusty  and Mike Cross
 It’s back in barracks for Army Cadets part 3. This time Trooper Smith (Jimmy Evans) is in trouble with Staff Sgt Cross (Mike Cross) After a weapons inspection the Sergeant decides Smith is slacking and needs bringing back in to line. No point in charging him besides giving a good spanking to a slovenly trooper is one of his specialities. The staff Sergeants strong arm is swinging with military precision as Trooper smith yelps his way through the first part of his punishment. Smith’s well rounded, firm and raised young buttock are quickly turning red but elsewhere other things are stirring too. 


Perhaps Smith is discovering something more about being spanked than he had realised. Now grabbing the riding crop, amounst other things, Staff Sargent Cross stands Smith up against the lockers and begins to administer a further whipping to his reddened and protruding bare backside. Thwack after thwack results in a well-disciplined trooper but the final result is more unexpected.


The second soldier to avoid being put on a charge or ‘fizzer’ as the soldiers call it is Trooper Evans (Dale Brady) He too opts for an off the record punishment and is ordered to report to Staff Sergeant Cooper (Rusty) On arrival a sound spanking is given to the wayward trooper in true military fashion. The sergeant’s brawny right arm and hard pounding hand soon has the lad’s buttocks glowing red. 


Then it’s out with the box horse and the Sergeant lays on a time honoured company punishment with a well-oiled swishy army rattan cane.

 This he changes half way through and delivers a very hard arse burning thrashing to Trooper Evans bare bottom. Evans howls and growls literally as every cut delivers a band of fire to his burning backside. This is caning army style, hard and painful as any young soldier should expect when breaking the rules. 


8 Responses to Sting – Army Cadet 3 – On a Fizzer

  1. Very nice indeed. Thanks Rich

  2. The lad in first pic has a nice side profile on his face looks cute

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Dale is a tough young buck, that’s some caning, don’t often see it like that. The other boy great butt!

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    very nice. Indeed I would say that these Cadets got a Ass whipping that they won’t forget too soon The clips were great .It looked like he new how to Tan some Ass Without doubt.

  5. Nice, well-muscled lad there in Staff Sgt Cross, who is spanking Trooper Smith – cute lad there and his “interest’ in punishment is definitely apparent.

  6. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Jimmy Evens is very cute and spankable. However, I would like to see Mike Cross spanked too

  7. i agree, trouper smith is very cute and he has a nice ass 😉

  8. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Wow just bought and watched this and I love it great clip what a great ass hes got and what a top hes really hot!!! though im now stuck between this guy and the stunning AAron who really floats my boat thank you sting youve done it again 🙂