Sting: Approved Education 19 (Part 1 of 2)

Approved Education 19

In the 40s,50s and 60s offending youths were often sent by the courts to the Approved Schools to learn how to behave and given corrective training to rehabilitate them back in to society. Some responded to this but others had to be reminded who’s boss and that their cheeky and insolent attitudes will no longer be tolerated.

Two such lads (Evan Ryker & new Sting Lad Ross Sedlak) have finally met their match and for various offences will now be dealt with.

The sound of the Housemaster’s well used strap will soon be ringing round the walls of this strict correctional establishment, not to mention the stinging bare bottom spankings. These always well laid on, leaving the lads firm, well rounded buttocks, red raw. Do they deserve it, most certainly yes




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