SpankChicosmalos:DOUBLE ELITE DISCIPLINE (Part 3)

SpankChicosmalos:DOUBLE ELITE DISCIPLINE (Part 3)

“The head of studies suffers his own punishment. The director discovers the situation. He continues to punish Erik, but to the surprise of the head of studies, his ass will be punished along with that of the student Erik.  Both asses go through the director’s knees.

El jefe de estudios sufre su propio castigo. El director descubre la situación. Sigue castigando a Erik, pero para sorpresa del jefe de estudios, su trasero será castigado junto con el del alumno Erik. Ambos culos pasan por las rodillas del director.

当院长发现了状况后教务长自己也承受了惩罚. 教务长继续惩罚埃里克, 但他没有想到自己会跟埃里克一起受惩罚. 他们俩的屁股也被放上了院长的膝盖上” ”


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2 years ago

Alejandro Sr. acts appropriately as soon as aware the aristocrat’s adored adolescent Alex Jr. is appallingly discriminated by that damned ‘despicably-democratic’ dean to the dutifully-dignified director’s disrespected detriment, comforting after copious clothless-cones-crimson-castigation the commoner-companion-cur with cold cream and ‘curious cock caresses’ in confinement. Carefully countering the contemptible commoner CEOs country-club clique-concocted ‘Catholic CP compromising conspiracy’, the conservative court-connection comes to the comital cur’s CP-status rescue.
The director demotes the dean from duly-dreaded daily discipliner to disciplinary clerk, collecting common (class/ clothed) CP-codes and ‘classified’ (crueller) CP-commendations from colleagues to be converted in clothless-cur-cones-crimson-castigating coups by chaplain and/or director, cold-cream coming-along with CP-implements, for their daily/weekly dacks-down-line-ups. Pulling proper palace-style patriarchal rank ruthlessly and retroactively, the rector reads the Restoration riot-act rendering the rank-reduced dean duly dejected dishing-out a demonstrative dose of the dire defrocked-derriere-discipline the dean did to date, the director thereafter in dyarchy with the Catholic clergy as conservative co-commanding class, concretely chaplain and CEO.
Cold cream is cut-off for commoner curs, confined to cones-crimson-castigated kids of the commanding class, consoling the crushing cruelty of clothless CP conform the commoners condition: Eric will no longer enjoy it as dean’s favourite’s fanny-fondling favour, only as class-crossing collegial kindness conferred Christian-compassionately by his classy comrade of comital class, carried as keepsake conformation of constant class-conditioning.
The dean’s dire demotion is dashingly displayed in the despicable-debauchery-due-deserts by dishing-out dual dacks-down-derriere-dooming discipline along with a red-reared ragless rascal, reduced to rankless receptor of ruthless rigid-rules-respect-restoration, rear-reddened-raw naked over the knee exactly like a low-rank lewd loutish lad over the lasher’s lap.
Eric’s relatively respectable rank-illusion, resulting from both being treated like his better and doubled discipline just to make a point to that staffer at his abject-arse-again-awfully-agonizing eerily-exposed expense, is rapidly ripped ruthlessly, not only no-longer consoled with cold cream to carry to comrades cross-class, but(t) bound to carry-around his boxers and shorts instead, bare-balls-beheld by bunches of by-passing boys brilliantly-bare-brat-butt-beaten-black-and-blue back to dorm, and lining-up for future office-spankings already all-on-ankles and afterward lining the chaplain’s or director’s wall inside and outside similarly scarlet-striped-stern-seen by staff and students all spanking-session long, a clothless crimson-castigated ‘countless’ contingent of commoner curs, contrary to class-kids carrying coldcream clothed excepted during CP, which they receive without commoners witnessing them dropping trou, with possible exception of joint punishment for shared sins, Alex’s arse in effect the only one he’ll heed here and afterward see re-dress alone, only to share the shower starkers seats-scarlet-striped and soothed same-cream.