Fall Term – Coach and Aiden – At Bottom Line

Fall Term – Coach and Aiden

Aiden did not want to pick up trash on the beach, so Coach Riley thrashes his bottom instead as Friday morning punishment continues.


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Fall Term – Coach and Aiden


Title 2257


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2 years ago

Unlike prefect Carlos, who is still ‘decoratively’ doing naked corner time, his arched and after-agony-abysmally-aching absolutely-abjectly-attire-abandoned angle-arse constituting the cutest corner, who by his own win-win design took the blame and the bare-butt-battering for his bratty beyond-B-boys-bunch,
Aiden is, as fellow senior, held utterly responsible for his own (mis)behaviour, hence the first of a shivering ‘scarcely-suited’ gym kit line-up outside rec room reporting, ruefully resigned to receive rebel-rear-raw-reddening reckonings resoundingly, realizing rubbish-‘reasons’ rarely result in roughing-reduction, rather rearing-extras.
Aiden, as rural-region-raised rustic Confucian-customarily coping with countless cur-caprices-curbing clothless-cur-cones-crimson-castigations, couldn’t care less about curious ‘corner time’, or rather resents the line-up ridiculously restrains fellow-flogging-fatted fledglings facing frockless flagellations from properly witnessing the woeful whippersnapper-whippings, as at home absolutely-abject-knaves-agony is arse-administered at all-male-assemblies, adding to the arse-agonizing adult’s apex(-like)-alpha-status, amply-and-abundant-agony-administration admired and aloud-applauded, as-well as arousing appropriate attrition and attitude-adjustment at-large, afterward the soundly-sorrily-sore-spanked-sinner-squirt’s similarly-spankable-siblings shushing and soft-song-soothing the scarlet-striped sinner’s super-sensitized-seat-sufferance.
Here however, helplessly-heightened-humble-hound-hinie-hidings are hardly he-hood-heeded half-heartedly, his hell-hot-hits-heaps-heated hurdies his own orbs-ordeal-outcome-object, at most he’ll get a ‘cool’ comment in the shower showing still-super-sore-stripes to similar spankable striplings, soothing crème is self-service as sole solace.